✹ 23th Death ✹ Accidental Video ✹ Action

Aug 18, 2011 18:04

[Today, this video feed starts with a smiling Furret playing with the Gear to record something interesting! Once she removes her face from the camera, she moves around with the Pokegear to show where they are: Cianwood. Some of you will recognize this as Lucifer's Furret who likes to play with the gear when Lucifer isn't looking at her.

The night was almost reaching the city by the time the pokemon turned this on, but there's a strange sound coming from around the camera. It's the sound of two monsters fighting each other. When she moves the camera again, it's clear what's going on:

Lucifer and Squalo are having a sparring match. Both of them are smirking pleased about all of this. Lucifer stands up and flips her hair, giggling again while poiting her wooden sword at Squalo.]

Hey, Squalo. You're not bad at this~ To think you can keep up with me!

Voooi, Lucifer! You're talking with the Second Emperor of the Sword, don't forget that!

[The demon furniture rests her free hand in her hip and chuckles.]

Very well. The one who wins this match shall be declared the victorious one! Are you ready to lose, Squaaaaloooo?

[Squalo grins at that and launches himself to fight her. The next minutes involve a fierce battle against the two of them, in which it's clear that if they weren't using wooden swords, they would be totally killing each other... And they don't seem to mind it at all! the tension is rising as time passes, and then when Lucifer seems to go to strike the final attack, Squalo takes this moment as his chance and strikes back to win this match.

Lucifer falls back from the attack, looking down a bit for losing it after struggling so much. She will forever blame the fact she doesn't have her powers back, but a loss it's still a loss and she still doesn't take them well.]

This is my win then.

Hmph! You weren't so bad, I'll give you that!

[There's a laugh coming from Squalo, but he offers his hand to help Lucifer to stand up from the ground. She sighs and after some seconds of considering it, she gives up a bit and takes his offer to rely on him to stand up. And as it was previously said, Squalo takes this chance to do something he wanted to do in a long time.

Once he helps her to raise from the ground, he leans to surprise kiss Lucifer. That's right. Squalo is kissing Lucifer who is really surprised at this whole thing like you have no idea. It takes her some seconds to actually react and stand back, face completely red for the whole situation.]


[And what is she doing? She's running away now. She's having one of those "HOW DO I DEAL WITH THIS???" kind of reactions now. Squalo blinks at that, and the furret quickly ends the feed to run after her trainer. The last thing you can see before it turns black is Lucifer running towards the Inn with her furret behind her and Squalo with a confused expression on his face.]

[ooc: Both Squalo and Lucifer will be replying to this!]

keep it cool, she never rests enough, man she likes to kill, *where: cianwood, luuuushiiifeeeeerrrruuuuuu, tsundere beams, dancing wit swords, did i say troll?, no idea where she is, how did i even...?!, shit got real, reporting stake, this isn't supposed to be like this, thinking how to go back, i'm sorry, problem; olivine?, ahahaha.wav, nyoron, you and i are the same, fuck yeah salamence, nobody was supposed to know this, next time it will be worse, pride above anything, troll in problems, never fight against her, kiss me baby, sisters would laugh at this

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