✹ Fourteeneth Death ✹ Video/Action ✹ Backdated to yesterday! ✹

Jan 21, 2011 00:24

[Lucifer is ready to destroy Falkner today. She's letting her baby Bagon record it as she is walking to the Gym. She's smirking really pleased with this as she opens the door of it. Of course, she told Beatrice, Keiichi and Hayate about this battle, and she wanted to make something that no one will forget in their lives.]

A new challanger? Very well. I won't go easy on you▬

[Aaaand... we have a troll face.]

Are you ready to be completly destroyed, Faaaaaaalkneeeeeer? I will show you how merciless I am! Kyahahahahaha!

[Okay, Falkner is stepping back a little. In any case, both of them send out their pokemons. And here we start the battles:

Noctowl VS Ninetales.]

There's no way for you to escape from the Sisters of Purgatory, Falkneerrrrr~ Soon you will be crying for mercy when I'm done with you!!! Burn that bird to ashes until no one can recognize it!

[Poor bird, he just got trolled and recived a pretty nice Flamethrower to the face. And he's down now, at which Lucifer smiles pleased. Of course she hasn't stopped smiling evily all this time to the poor gym Leader.]

Probleeeeems, Faaaaalkneeeeer~?

[Honchkrow VS Ampharos starts now.]

Honchkrow, don't give up!

Gaap, your what you are made of! Thunderpunch that brid until he breaks like a pitiful toy!

[Behold, she's all AHAHAHAH.wav again.

Well, now you can see a dominatrix who enjoys trolling as much as her trainer does. This little bird didn't deserve that amount of abusive damage that she caused, but don't worry, it was just enough to make him faint.]

I-I see you are... very skilled... trainer...

[Not even Falkner can act cool at this. Lucifer just smirks pleased at her work. And the final battle starts!

Pidgeot VS Ampharos.]

It's over now, Falkneeeeeeer~ [She's enjoying this so much like you have no idea.] Kneel down and praise Beatrice-Sama's name, and perhaps I could consider forgiving you for being so boring.

Let's just finish with this...

Very weeeell! Gaap, destroy him and don't hold anything back!

[Pidgeot manages to dodge the first one, but sadly, Gaap is a monster without a soul and now the big bird has fallen to the floor, knocked out thanks to the dominatrix who laughs in a way an Ampharos would laugh.]

I told you, Falkner! You didn't have a chance against me~ [Gigglegiggle as she's stepping in front of him, with her Bagon next to her.]

Y-You won, yes. Take this.. badge as a proof of your v-victory.

[He hands out the badge, wishing that she could just go now. He's a bit scared after this whole trolling things. Lucifer takes the badge as she smiles pleased, leaving behind the man and making herself out of the Gym.]

Nothing can stand in a Stake of Purgatory's way! Kyahahaha! [And then, the Bagon ends the feed.]

[An hour later, a new video starts. In this one, only Lucifer's back can be seen, as she's talking to someone. Of course, her Bagon is recording this without Lucifer's order. And she looks a bit nervous...]

B-Beatrice-Sama... There's something I must tell you...

[Lucifer makes a long pause before talking again.]

... I-I have a boyfriend, Beatrice-Sama. [And she's kneeling down as the Furniture she is, because... Oh, God, she's so nervous. Like telling a mother about this fff.]

You have my word as the eldest sister that this will not interfere with my work as your Furniture! As the eldest sister, I shall do anything you order without hesitation!

[And another pause, god she's trying to not cry in this one.]

His name is... Maebara Keiichi.

[And the Bagon ends the feed when he hears the last word since it's his name.]

*where: violet city, trolling of the furniture, ahahaha.wav, will kill someone, entertain the troll, luuuushiiifeeeeerrrruuuuuu, so i herd u liek trolls?, shiny badge get, did i say troll?, how did i even...?!, boyfriend times, reporting stake, troll in problems, troll laugh, i'm with an idiot

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