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[text] wantnotneed December 21 2010, 07:28:05 UTC
We can't be summoned like we used to, because everyone's powers are gone. I heard you were sick too, Luci-nee. So don't even try going out in this weather.

Sakutaro's in Mahogany Town. I know that I should be going to get Lady Beatrice, but not out in this stupid snow.

a d i wont be outside for a while and my responses will be a iy slow

o'll eplain late


[text] redeyesforpride December 21 2010, 09:49:11 UTC
Where are you in this moment, Mammon?


[text] wantnotneed December 21 2010, 15:35:32 UTC
o'm being picke up right now

o'm not supposed to be tping becvause they're not spposed to see

u'k talkj to you another day okay luc-nee


[text] redeyesforpride December 21 2010, 15:54:52 UTC
Understood... Please be careful, Mammon.


[text] wantnotneed December 21 2010, 16:05:33 UTC
i'm ine

i'm just using this way to get to goldenrod faster afterr all

as if the stuoud sbiw cykd gyrt ne

i'll talk to you tomorrow or the day after

[ooc: the actual call can go here if you want. :3c]


[text] redeyesforpride December 21 2010, 16:09:25 UTC
I see. I will be waiting your call then.

[ooc: :> *Goes to reply there!*]


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