✹Tenth Death ✹ Text/Video/Action ✹

Dec 14, 2010 00:45

[Private Text to Hayate and Keiichi]
I'll be challenging Whitney today. I except you to be there.

[/Private Text to Hayate and Keiichi]

[The video shows Lucifer's back, as she's walking to Whitney's Gym again. There's something off about the way she walks, but unless you are looking for small details, you will notice anything, besides her legs. Apparently, Taro is recording this for her, who knows why. But in any case, she reaches the door of the Gym.

She can still remember the humillation of that day. But today, that will not happen again. She trained hard enough to beat that annoying pink woman. She knew that once she stepped inside, there was no running away like the last time. So, she took a long breath and entered. Hayate and Keiichi would arrive in any moment, and she planned to show them how she planned to make that girl cry.

Once inside, Whitney recognized her. An amused smile appeared on her face.]

Oh, it's you again! Did you come for a beauty tip? Well, I wouldn't mind giving you one or two, considering that your haircut is really boring▬

Shut up, I came here to destroy you! Once I'm finished with you, you will be begging for mercy!

Hmph! You haven't changed at all! Very well, I'll defeat you like the last time!

[Lucifer crackles amused.] Let's see about that! Kyahahaha!

[Now tha the battle has begun, her furret that has been the one that was recording it, drops the gear neat Lucifer. Now it shows that her face is really read and she's breathing really hard. Looks like someone shouldn't be staying in that moment with her condition, but her pride was stronger than anything else.

Lucifer sends out her Growlithe. Why? Well, he and her Flaaffy are her weakest pokemons, but she will use them to make all the damage she can do against Whitney's pokemons. In fact, those two manage to take out the Girafarig. The Stake of Purgatory smiles pleased at that, or maybe she was too high on fever that everything looked funny.]

... Are you sure you▬

Are you scared of me, Whitney~? I told you that I planned to crush you down! Don't hold back because I don't plan to! Kyahahahahaha!

[Whitney is taken by surprise by that, but she sends out her Clafeable. It's turn to Lucifer's Furret to fight that one alone. She has seen how strong that one was, but she plans to make her trainer be proud of her, so she will give her best. Both trainers shout out attacks - and Lucifer some stuff like "Don't stop until you see that one bleed!", but that's normal to her - and finally, Taro wins the battle.]

Impressive. But sadly for you, it's over now! Miltank, go!

[When the cow is out, Lucifer couldn't resist the urge to troll her.] Such a fitting pokemon for you, Whitney!

[Obviously, that pissed off the Gym Leader. With her last strenght, Taro damages the miltank a bit, but faints after some rollouts later. Finally, it was time for Lucifer's last pokemon in this battle. She called out her Ninetales. The pokemons she adored most in her team, and the one she was given when she started in this journey.]

Saku, it's your turn now! Make her cry and beg for mercy!

[After saying that, Lucifer falls on one of her kneels. She's pushing herself too hard, and she knows it, but she doesn't care at all. In fact, she wants to keep fighting to see that woman cry. Saku glances back to see her trainer, and when she order her to attack, she knew that there was no turning back now.]


[With strong attacks, Ninetales does her best to fight Miltank. It's such a close match for both of them. The cow seems to want to finish it quickly, but Saku is dodging the attacks as fast as she can, while attacking at the same time. Of course, there are some of them that she can't avoid. And when everthing seems lost, Saku does the finishing strike with a powerful Fire Blast.

There's smoke on the screen after that hit. And when it goes away, Ninetales is standing on her feet. Tired, but with a strong look in her eyes. In front of her, Miltank seems to have fainted, and is unable to continue. Lucifer smirked pleased as she standed up, calling back her last pokemon.

Sweet taste of revenge.]

D-did I lost...?! Wuaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh!!

[As expected from Whitney, she started crying when she realized that she was defeated. Lucifer, slwoly and a bit dizzy, walked to get her badge, enjoying how her rival was crying on the floor. Hell, she even crackled amused at her victory.]

You are so pathetic crying now! [Crackle, crackle.] Now... I order you to give me what it's mine!

[Eventually, Whitney calms down and hands over the badge. She still seems to be wanting to cry a bit more, but Lucifer doesn't seem to care about that. In fact, once she grabs her badge, she laughs and faints.

Training outside without resting in this cold and with her clothes was a bad idea. Now she has a really strong cold. But at least, she won the battle. Suddently, after she hits the floor, the feed ends.]

[ooc: Video replies will be twenty minutes later when either Keiichi or Hayate leave her in the Inn. Feel free to threadjack the post either of you ♥]

trolling of the furniture, *where: goldernod city, not bothering to be nice, i love my team, not feeling well guys, so i herd u liek trolls?, i don't mind them, shiny badge get, stake is happy, cute furniture is cute, how did i even...?!, stake in problems, troll laugh, saku is the best, stake with a cold

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