Sarah Palin

Aug 29, 2008 14:14

Is anyone else FURIOUS about McCain's choice for VP? Sarah Palin? Has anyone really heard of her?

Well here's some background.. Sarah Palin is a first term govenor of Alaska (two years of experience!), a state populated by less than half a million people. She has no national or international experience. Before being elected to office, she served as mayor of a town populated by less than ten thousand people. She also came in second in the Miss Alaska beauty pageant.

She has a reputation as a reformer, but I don't think that title is too hard to obtain following former Alaska governor Murkowski.

Speaking of that administration, she resigned from her post as Ethics Commissioner of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission in objection to Gov. Murkowski's corruption. But what's going on in her administration? Oh right, she fired Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan because he did not fire state trooper Mike Wooten, who was involved in a custody battle with Palin's sister. When state legislature contracted a former DA to investigate the ethics scandal, Palin had the Attorney General investigate for herself ... Abuse of power?

This is why you should be scared: She's anti-abortion, pro-drilling in the Arctic Circle, anti-polar bear (She's suing the government, claiming polar bears are not endangered/threatened species). Her only platform, that I can at least gather, is that she is a woman, and she chose to keep her fifth child, who suffers from downs syndrome, instead of aborting him.

Um, what?

McCain believes he can trick women into relating to him and the Republican party because he just nominated the second female vice presidential candidate. He is pandering to women whom he thinks only vote based on gender, not on actual issues. It is an insult and a slap in the face to any intelligent woman anywhere. He is also targeting the evangelical vote by adding a vocal anti-abortion, and creationist running mate. And let's also mention his hypocrisy - Sarah Palin is inexperienced and young - all key attacks McCain has shot at Obama.

This disgusts me. Yeah, it's great America finally has a female VP candidate. But for all the wrong reasons.


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