Scrabble blogging community?

May 18, 2013 19:11

It's clear that LJ is moribund as a regular blogging medium for Scrabblers. The cross-tables forums are not really any better, despite several past attempts at reviving them. I know that we all get busy; heck, I'm barely on ISC anymore, almost never look at the newsgroups, and haven't done a whole lot of Scrabble-related stuff besides a handful of tournaments in the past year. That said, where is everyone unloading their thoughts now? I'm not seeing them on Facebook, with a few occasional exceptions.

I don't have a whole lot of Scrabble things to say due to where my life is headed, and I could post about those non-Scrabble things on here, but is anyone really even reading LJ anymore? The forums? Does anyone read notes on Facebook, which I've seen a few people try (and tried myself)?
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