May 30, 2007 20:11
...and i'm not saying that i usually don't. but that's all just generally speaking. what i'm looking for is a greater sense of self-worth.
i get people drunk for a living. simply put. and i've been "serving" since my first year of college. 1997.
it's time to start serving people something other than a "good time".
i had my second interview with a non-profit organization specializing in the prevention of child abuse and neglect. for a position called the "family support person".
i have a family of my own, and while that doesn't qualify me as an expert in healthy family affairs- i'm at least somewhat seasoned enough to help at-risk families find solutions to their common and uncommon family issues.
so. in a week i should know. and then, i'll be down to serving the party on saturdays only. and that's temporary, too. all of this is "hopefully", of course.
but i really want the job. really, really.
so keep your fingers and toes crossed.