Title: Strawberries and Chocolate
Author: Redeim
Genre: fluff
Rating: PG for mentions of stuff
Pairing: KiBum/Kevin
Summary: Prompt from
s2_otter : I really don't know. I just want a happy Kemaru. Maybe, "Strawberry and Chocolate?"
Notes: It’s kind of short. And gag-worthy. I’m sorry it took so long to write it, even after we reminded each other. ^^; It’s kind of a birthday fic. Just pretend it’s December 29th again.
It was on ukiss_fics, but they kinda piss me off. They're too damn picky. >:/
KiBum watched from the corner while Kevin began fixing up what looked like fondue. He licked his lips as he tried to decide if he wanted to have some or not. After all, if he did have some, he’d have to go to the gym for extra time, but if he didn’t have any then-
“I know you’re there, KiBum.” Kevin told him without looking at him.
KiBum straightened up. Clearing his throat, he asked, “Uh. Why are you making fondue?”
“I got some strawberries from the market the other day, and I wanted to eat them before they went bad.”
KiBum stared at the fridge, where possibly mutant strawberries were lurking.
Kevin saw the look on his lover’s face and laughed, “They’re still fine. I’m just thinking about later. I don’t want them to go bad. They looked so delicious, and they weren’t very cheap.”
KiBum nodded and then looked back to the pot of melted chocolate. “But then why do you need the fondue?” He asked.
“Well, no one was eating them, so I thought I could maybe lure them to the strawberries with chocolate.” Kevin explained.
KiBum looked around their dorm, the group still lingering after Chef’s Kiss had finished, all of them reluctant to return to their own homes. “But no one’s here, Kevin.”
The younger boy nodded, “I know. I didn’t plan it very well.”
“I’ll eat them with you.” KiBum said.
Kevin grinned, stirring the chocolate carefully. I knew you would, he thought to himself.
KiBum pulled the strawberries out of the fridge, glad to see they weren’t mutants like he originally thought. He put them onto the table and waited for Kevin to bring the fondue, wasting time by making the fruit ready-to-eat and sticking fondue sticks into the strawberries.
“Obviously, you don’t know it’s also a special day today.” Kevin tried.
“Our anniversary?” KiBum tried, always his first guess when a statement like that came up. He knew one day he’d figure out when it was again.
Kevin laughed, “No, that’s not until another half a year dummy.”
It’s in June. KiBum told himself, feeling accomplished at just that small bit of information.
“What happens in December?” Kevin asked, bringing the fondue to the table and setting it on a hot mat KiBum put there during preparation.
“Christmas? New Years?” KiBum tried again, both of them sitting down at the dining table.
“No!” Kevin paused, “Well, yes, but no, not that… Do you seriously not know? Your birthday!”
“So no one cares about my birthday?” KiBum asked, looking around once again.
“You forgot anyways.” Kevin replied, picking up a strawberry and dipping it into the chocolate.
“I’m allowed to forget, I’m getting old.” KiBum said. He picked up a strawberry and dunked it into the chocolate, covering the entire strawberry before bringing it into his mouth.
“You’re only 21* now.” Kevin told him.
“Well, if it’s my birthday, there are things I’d rather do than eat chocolate and strawberries.” KiBum told his boyfriend defiantly. His actions betrayed his words, however, when he grabbed for another strawberry.
“Oh really?” Kevin asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Mmhmm. I mean, we’re alone, we can be a loud as we-” KiBum began, but was interrupted by a strawberry shoved into his mouth.
KiBum just grinned at Kevin, not saying anything.
“Well, maybe later. Just enjoy the snack for now.” Kevin told him with a sigh.
KiBum smiled, “Thank you Kevin.” He finally said.
“Happy Birthday KiBum.”
*KiBum is 21 in Korean age at the time of his birthday.