Oct 08, 2008 14:34
Today was very nice and sunny in ye ol' Valenciennes. That's pretty rare and it called for a celebration, which included me walking around town to try and scam the French govt into giving me a stamp on my birth certificate translation (I did it myself) in order to avoid paying 40 euros to make it "official" by an official translator. It didn't work. I need this translation in order to make sure I am paid, because baby's broke. But not so broke because I went to H&M and bought a classy shirt. Retail therapy is insane in France and unaffordable with the xchange rate. I need money to travel, bugger.
Anyway, bitching is done. I really miss Brad tons and tons. And of course all of you. But Brad really, a lot.
Internets is arriving in a week? And I am trying to go to Marseille.