I apologize for the delay, here is the report.
The first detail which called my attention was the fact even at the age of six he considers himself an experiment. Without a name, without a purpose except for pleasing the researchers. Categorizing himself as success/failure. Furthermore, he expects the us to treat him as such. Any action tainted with a humane nature are questioned by him. He grows suspicious when an action is presented out of the structure he has been taught.
I presume he was educated to behave as such from the very beginning, the uniform he wears explains he was a mere number amidst thousands of subjects. Considering previous reports and his future as a virologist/genetic engineer, he possessed special qualities which marked him between his equals.
At first he was convinced he had been sent to this facility because he had been determined as a failure, expecting me to kill him.
His reaction toward a food which was beyond the core compounds of aliments, evidenced his limited sensory input, which derives into a lack of imagination.
This whole "experience" at this -facility- has upset him.
He lacks of the faculty to express feelings, and even if a particular antic is translated to his features, he quickly controls himself to dismiss it.
Also, he struggles to understand everything said, failure at this causes hints of frustration and shame.
I also wanted to ask you if you could revise this
report and these
notes. I wrote them a week ago with information collected from different sources. One was an in-depth study one of ShinRa's Turks elaborated, it was done with extracts and quotes from Wesker's journal.
It might be biased, if there is any corrupted information, please correct it.
So there was a small inconvenient at Shu-Ra. Kaa-san I apologize I will not be able to share dinner with you tonight.