Aug 18, 2007 17:38
Today was our "off" day... the day we don't have to follow the "Diet". So we went to Cracker Barrel. I had blueberry pancakes. But I forgot one thing... I don't actually like real blueberries. *D'oh* Breakfast was good though. Dumb things was, now that this whole past week we have been eating better, smaller portions and all, I'm just not that hungry. So unless I want to gorge myself, I really won't eat so much today...and tomarrow starts the full blown "Diet". *yipee*
Scotty and I went to Vitamin World in Foley and got a buttload of supplements, Musclemilk and crap. So now it's pretty much do or die for me. He'd be so disappointed in me if I gave up... so onward I march (...hopefully right into those skinny jeans!!) I know that I will never be slender, slim Kate Moss skinny... too many curves... but I guess I will be happy to have more room in my jeans and everything else. It really sucks to have nice clothes that you can't wear because you're too freakin' fat to fit in them. But other than that if I wasn't married I'd probably be fine with my weight. Just start buying bigger clothes. LOL. Or maybe that's apathy.
You know that makeup I got for my birthday? Well... I'm not sure if i love it. There was so much hype about it, but really... it didn't cover any better than any other makeup. Actually, I really have to put a buttload on just to feel alright, I don't mind my freckles showing, but it should at least cover the redness. I don't know.. maybe I'm just not doing it right. I do like how it feels...and I love the idea, but I also love the idea of taking a weight loss pill and automatically losing 10lbs. Miracles only happen like that in Disney movies...
We're talking about moving. "Talking". It'd be nice... get away from here. Somewhere that people might actually befriend you *gasp* even if they don't know you!! I don't know what's up with that...everytime I try and talk to someone new, they act like I suddenly grew a tail. *OMG* Right,,, that's how I've become the recluse I am today. LOL, its a good thing I got married so young. Just think of how I'd be at 25?? :0)
...well, I guess I'm done jabbering now. That was fun. Now for chinese food!! :-)
Later gator!
GO CUBS!!!!!!!!!!!!!