
Jul 19, 2007 20:04

...I've never had so much stolen from me from one place. My Gosh... its like there are little mice waiting until I turn my back so that can rob me blind. And no, I am not talking about the irs, actually robbers or my bank.... but rather the people I see every day. My co-workers. Freakin' idiots is what they are. I can not believe that someone would really want a couple coke caps and little things of creamers. What is this world coming to!? I can't even leave something of no value on my cart, overnight for 16.5 hours without something going missing!?? My God. And then, my sunglasses... where are they now? The last I saw them was on top of my cart right next to my water bottle (WhAT!, they didn't want that too!??). It's not like I work in the ghetto,,, its uptown... next to the university and the hospital. But if you close your eyes, your car keys will come up missing too. And don't get me started on why anyone would steal someone elses lunch. So, okay... just because I'm a white female means I have money to go to some fast food joint because someone ate MY lunch. Yeah. Right. Freakin' idiots. Dirty rotten pigs.

And as much as i would love to go on and on about the faults and idiosyncrasies of my "colleagues", what I read today in devotions convicted me. 1 Corinthians 6:7b ... "Why do ye not rather take wrong? why do ye not rather suffer yourselves to be defrauded?" Basically,what I heard was... You're not too good for bad things to happen to you... just get over yourself and go on. Yes, I want justice, but it is not always in this lifetime. I just have to let go. And boy is that hard. People will always hurt you, you just have to learn to not let it bother you so much. Move on. Live despite of their cruelty.

The bright spot of my day: WWW.MUFFINFILMS.COM It's so freakin' awesome!!! A friend of mine showed me this once and I just found it again... so, soooo funny. Have a looksee.

I'm going to go smurffing.... haven't done that in a while.


muffin films, robbers

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