(no subject)

Jun 27, 2006 00:39

hi everyone! i thought i would update you guys about the turtles i saw in the frat house. unfortunately, i don't have good news. i asked the guy who invited us to the party for the name of the owner, but he refused to tell me because he wanted to make new pledges steal them. when i asked what he was going to do with them afterwards he had no idea and he wouldn't let me give him the information for the turtle shelters you guys provided me with. i don't really know him that well, he's a friend of a friend and even she couldn't get names from him. it made me so angry that he cares more about having some dare for his pledges than the lives of the turtles. i'm also angry at myself for not stealing them when i had the chance. hopefully the owner took my letter to heart and starts to take better care of them.

but that just makes me want to take care of my shelly even more, so i have a few questions.

we tried feeding her normal feeder fish, but i guess she didn't like them because a few hours after putting them in her tank they were all dead. is it normal for her to kill them and not eat them? did she just not like having them in the tank with her? it could also be because we just switched her into a new tank (or rubbermaid tub) today and she's just not used to it.

we also picked up one of these water conditioners while at petco because we had to spend a little more to make a coupon work. the first thing shelly did when we dropped it in the water was try to eat it, and i think she got a few good bites out of it. is it bad for her?

thanks for any help, i'll be sure to add pictures of her new setup soon!
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