Erkle. Good rocks my socks, as the saying goes :P

Feb 21, 2005 23:22

I haven't updated in thankful, I haven't bored you for nearly a month :P

Half term kicked serious monkey bum, even though I was ill for half of it. I did eight hours of work on Wednesday...I was craaazy. Kweh, but also satisfied.

In far, far, far more important news, God has been revolutionising my lifestyle for me, once again :) things just keep getting better and better...the bond between Amy and me is now so string that a streaking comet couldn't even dent it, my school life is no longer a torturous thing, but actually a pleasure because I'm serving God in every way I can, and giving Him glory like I should be. Woot!

Now, He needs to, and is, sorting out my homelife...this one might be fairly painful, but I'm ready for it, because He's made me ready by letting me go through what i have been through...

Went to an AMAZING prayer meeting last night, I shouted for his glory until my throat was raw and my diaphragm was fit to collapse...and then I shouted some more...praying in groups is so unbelieveablt powerful, it's just like 40 to 50 people caling on His power, and He answers every single one of those requests, and it's too powerful to describe in words.

Had a very interesting conversation with Sccye about wars and soldiers last night, very informative, actually...*smiles*

There's plenty of other stuff, but that's not to be said here.

I love you all, and God Bless

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