Title: Far From Home with a Cat
Rating: PG-13ish
Pairing: Colin/Cat
Summary: Colin and Ryan are stuck on the Red Dwarf. No spoilers for either show.
A/N: Well,
roadstergal and
rudelypinioned gave me ideas. This is a crossover between Whose Line and Red Dwarf.
“The Cat!”
“Colin, enough about the Cat!”
Ryan was jealous. Veeery jealous. His Colin was being seduced away from him by a cat.
However, he wasn’t being seduced by any old cat. This cat was a highly evolved cat that lived on a spaceship.
“Ryan, I’m not going to leave you. I just want to..” Colin trailed off, clearly embarrassed.
“You want to have a one-night stand with a cat.”
“…Yes.” Colin looked at his shoes for a moment, then looked Ryan straight in the eyes. “He said he was courting me. We’re stuck here. I don’t know if we can get back home without the crew’s help. If this gives us at least a little bit more of a chance, I want to take it.”
Ryan nodded slowly. “I think I understand.” He stepped forward and pulled Colin close. “You’re still mine.” Colin nodded and ducked his head, blushing. “I’m yours.”
“Good.” They separated, and Colin headed out of their quarters.
He stuck his head back in for one more comment. “He said he has six nipples.” Then he left.
Ryan stared at the door and considered buying a dog.