Title: He Pairing: Lister/Kochanski, Rimmer/Lister Rating: PG Disclaimer: I own nothing. Nothing, I tell you! At least not Red Dwarf, and I make no money from this either. Wish I did! Notes: Written as part of the fanfic100 challenge - my table is here.
Aw, I love this. I always like AUs, whether it's completely new ones or more of existing ones, and never considered the idea that there might've been noticeable differences even before the accident... And I like subtle pre-/slashiness just as much as the overt kind, so overall it's great. =^n.n^=
my nitpicky side wants to point out that Lister had to know Citizen Kane in name if nothing else, since he pretended to be watching it in Me²... ignore her, she's what stops me from writing much =^-.-^=
D'oh! Well... Um... Maybe he forgot? Um, yeah, that's the ticket! Thanks for pointing that out, I like to nitpick myself. It's been too long since I watched the first series.
Yeah, especially since it'd just be a name with nothing to back up. Sounds like him to forget that kind of thing. Series I's actually the one I've watched the most often, and thus the most stuck in my mind, so it's no problem... =^n.n^=
oooh! i liked it <3 that there were more differences than just whether or not Lister was a hologram, that Lister missed Rimmer even after the Rimmer Experience =)
Hahahah... Yes, of course! I can't belive I didn't see that; I even double checked to see if it was, indeed the right word. Oh well, thanks for pointing it out; I've fixed it now.
Comments 11
my nitpicky side wants to point out that Lister had to know Citizen Kane in name if nothing else, since he pretended to be watching it in Me²... ignore her, she's what stops me from writing much =^-.-^=
And thanks for your kind words. Whee! :D
more please! ;)
There's more coming up...
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And thank ye for the kind words! :D
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