Title: I Bruise Easily
Pairing: Rimmer/Lister
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: I don't own the boys, but if anyone's interested in putting some money into a kitty, I shall proposition Mr Naylor...
Notes: This fic acts as the pre-cursor to
Between the Lines - depicting the event that inspires Rimmer to return
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*blush* Thank you! I had every intention of going all the way with it, as t'were, but it seemed to fit much better NOT seeing it - just seeing a teasing glimpse. Besides, I felt it would have more of an impact in the series if we get treated to the full thing when Rimmer and Lister FINALLY realise how they feel. Plus? Your after-sex fic is hotness on a stick, you don't always NEED to see it all, right? *fans herself*
Re: metaphor and the angsty angst. I'm glad you felt you connected with it. For reasons I won't go into detail so publicly here, when I end up breaking down in weak times, it's usually when I see myself in the mirror and how truly miserable I look(!) It's like you've only just realised, very odd sensation.
Overall, a great entry in your series (I hope it's part of your slash Ace series, right?)
Thank you much! And yup. Sits after 'Endless Night' and before 'Between the Lines', all nice and snuggly.
"Sign Your Name" by Terence Trent D'Arby. Could work. ;-)
Scuttles off to find on youtube.
Thanks again!
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