I need to kickstart myself into getting some stuff written, and I thought a drabble tree would be the perfect way to do it. We've had a couple of these here before, but for those who haven't participated before, here's how it works:
Below the cut is a drabble (100 words exactly). Anyone who wants to participate replies to this post with another drabble containing one of the sentences or phrases from the original drabble. The subject line should be the words you took. The next person should continue the trend, stealing a sentence or phrase and beginning their own.
Any particular drabble can be drawn from as many times as you want. If you don't feel like writing 100 words exactly, that's OK. Near-drabbles of approximately 100 words are fine too. It's about having fun, not exact definitions. ;)
Still confused?
Here's one we did earlier!
"There's been some misunderstanding," Rimmer told the scantily clad identical twins.
"Not at all," one of them grinned.
"This is your order," the other supplied, opening the pizza box between them.
"Yes, well..." Rimmer glanced at the pepperoni and tried not to let his mind wander. "I must have taken the wrong disc."
The curly haired boys laughed in unison. "It's all right; we'll handle everything."
"Yeah Dave," the other added, "just relax and..."
"Hang on; Dave??"
Lister yelled at him for hours for breaking the AR-disc, but Rimmer didn't care. You couldn't see the label on the disc, now.