The Norwegian Christmas holiday lasts forever... if you're in school. For the rest of us, there are two days of work between Christmas and New Years (this year), and it just feels wrong to be here. Hence, I am seeking distractions!
Below the cut is a drabble (100 words exactly). Anyone who wants to participate replies to this post with another drabble containing one of the sentences or phrases from the original drabble. The subject line should be the words you took. The next person should continue the trend, stealing a sentence or phrase from any one of the existing drabbles and beginning their own. Any particular drabble can be drawn from as many times as you want. If you don't feel like posting 100 words exactly, that's OK. Near-drabbles of approximately 100 words are fine too. It's about having fun, not exact definitions. ;)
For reference, here's one we did earlier! And could I, perhaps, suggest a holiday theme this time around? Entirely optional, of course, but Red Dwarf has always reminded me of Christmas. Maybe it's Lister's It's a Wonderful Life obsession?
At first, Lister fussed over Christmas to annoy Rimmer; see the look on his face as he brought out the tinsel and fake tree and lights. He'd make Holly give him a santa hat, and wait for the smeghead to pass in front of a mirror.
Later, Lister kept doing it because it brought back memories. You had to hold on to something, right?
So, in prison, Lister nicks some bacofoil here and some lights there, decorating as best he can. Then he sits in the darkness, watching the sleeping face in the lower bunk, and tries to remember.