Title: Hypocrisy
Rating: G/FRC.
Genre: General. L/R if you squint reeeally hard.
Pairing/Characters: Lister POV
Length: Drabble. 100 words exactly.
Squicks: None
Spoilers: Season 7/VII.
Author's Notes: I was determined only to lurk, and passively absorb as much R/L as I could. But, I was watching SMAC, and it just hit me how inevitable Rimmer's fate is.
I've always said I could never kill. I never thought it was in me. Oh, I've fought, don't get me wrong. I've given black eyes, broken noses, split lips... I've kneed bollocks, punched kidneys, and received my fair share of all of them--and more--but never killed.
But, I'm the one who sent him off the ship. I pushed Rimmer away to be the man he wanted to be. I pushed him into the danger of it. I condemned him to death a second time.
I've killed Arnold Rimmer.
And, I don't know how to live with it.