Title: Anniversary
Pairing: Rimmer/Lister
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Don't own, don't make money from.
Spoilers: Legion, and to a lesser extent, Me2
Notes: I had an anniversary dinner today, and this is where my mind went when I got home. With a nod to
smaych, who once asked me a question related to what happens here...
Rimmer opened his eyes, and was immediately startled by the fact that he had done so. He sat up, blinking wide-eyed at the grinning Lister next to him.
"Good... good," Rimmer tried, as his thoughts scrambled to attention. He was still there. No time had passed, because Lister was still wearing what he wore last night. All right, granted; this was Lister. It could easily be a week later. "You didn't turn me off," he managed, finally.
"What? 'Course not!"
"But... I gave you Kochanski's disk.
"Yeah, so?"
"Surely you'd..." Lister silenced him with a kiss.
"Kill ya in yer sleep? Don't think much of me, do ya?" Grinning, giggling; oblivious. Rimmer gaped at him.
"It really is her disk, you know," he said, to clarify. This didn't make any sense. "It's not another me again. Smeg knows I wouldn't want to go through that again. Besides, it wouldn't have done me any good. We only have one light bee."
Lister looked at him with those ridiculously deep brown eyes, and his smile faded. "Rimmer. Arn. That was a nice gesture and all, giving me her disk for our anniversary, but I wouldn't have taken it if I'd known..." His eyes narrowed. "You really thought I was gonna turn ya off?"
Rimmer nodded.
"And not turn ye back on again?"
Rimmer nodded again, a little annoyed. Surely that was obvious! When Lister pulled him in for a crushing hug, he just went with it, frowning in confusion. Then, slowly, he let himself relax. He was still here, for whatever reason. Maybe he shouldn't question it. Maybe. It was a novel, and ever so slightly terrifying idea.
"Love ya," Lister mumbled against his neck, and Rimmer, closing his eyes, exhaled pointlessly.