Title: Hands
Pairing: Rimmer/Lister (implied)
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I don't own Red Dwarf or its characters, and writing this makes me no money.
Spoilers: Back in the Red.
Notes: I was capping the above-mentioned episode for
ccharlespics, and this popped into my head. (Caps will be up later tonight, including several from this scene, for anyone that's
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Comments 8
Love the idea of Lister touching Rimmer, in just about any way. I always think that Lister would be quite a tactile person, and Rimmer would be the opposite. Touch is such a big theme in Red Dwarf, what with Rimmer being soft light for the early series.
I like how possessive Lister is as well!
Oh yes; Lister is all about the touching, which is part of why I thought he'd dwell on this. They're quite touchy in VIII, which I suppose it partly due to the amicable relationship between Chris and Craig.
making you want to giggle, as the rest of the man never did.
Just so R/L.
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