Title: Too Much
Pairing: Rimmer/Lister (implied)
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Don't own any of these characters, nor that fine setting which is Red Dwarf. I make no money from it either.
Spoilers: Legion.
Notes: For
noirenails Written for the
fanfic100 challenge -
my table is here.
They all tried. )
Comments 5
At least the milk was plain old regular cow's milk.
Count yer blessings!
allowing for a few optimistic days of 'at least the cheese won't go bad' jokes before it became clear the situation would be a lasting one.
I don't know why this was so funny. "The cheese, Gromit!"
Rimmer claimed that the best way to achieve the latter was to tear them all down and set fire to them.
Rimmer complained, as he always did. It seemed to help him.
Well, it beats the alternative.
as though there was still something he could not quite reach.
Oh, there is...
Lovely. Er, Rimmer is tapping me on the shoulder and clearing his throat excessively loudly. Should I let him nanner on, or tell him to stuff it?
Oh, and yes please! :D
poor listee. u do wonder when that fountain of optimism will run dry...
loving this
(but i'm sad now...)
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