Title: Middles
Pairing: Rimmer/Lister
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I don't own Red Dwarf, it owns me. None of us make any money off one another. Well, I buy the DVDs. But you see what I mean.
Spoilers: Legion.
Notes: Rimmer came by for a visit. He wasn't happy. Written as part of the
fanfic100 challenge -
my table is here.
You might think I’m exaggerating. )
I fully understand that it can be hard to believe that a single human being can exhibit all of the traits inherent in one David Lister technician third grade, but I assure you, it is sadly all too true.
Welcome to humanity, Rimmer. We're complicated. Or would you rather live on an orderly world without surprises?
No, I kept on, not satisfied with the horrendous data I’d already collected - like some information-based masochist I needed more.
Ah ha! Poor Rimmer...too much information can be bad for your mental health. :D
Lovely, lovely job!
Um, yeah?
Any Rimmer-voice skill I may have comes from working with roadstergal, and her wonderful Rimmer. :)
Rimmer is a little bit like Rincewind the wiz(z)ard in Terry Pratchett's Discworld, I think. He'll happily take boring over exciting any day, because boredom is safe.
And it certainly can... It's hard to keep in mind what Lister said; that nothing is entirely black and white, and that there are so many sides to every story.
Thanks again, I'm glad you enjoyed it!
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