Title: It's My Party
Pairing: Rimmer/Lister
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I don't own it, I just write it, which makes me no money.
Spoilers: Legion.
Notes: This is the first Red Dwarf story I ever wrote, although I never finished it. Well, I have now, obviously, but it needed a lot of tweaking. So thanks muchly to the lovely
roadstergal for the beta. That said,
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Comments 23
I love Kryten and the potential desserts in this one.
A shirt-lifting, fudge-packing, faggotty flaming fag!
Ugly, socially challenged guys whose idea of haute couture is wearing a novelty lapel-pin on their regulation uniform jacket aren't exactly my type. No offense
Much love.
The word 'spread' lingered in Rimmer's mind ominously, like unfinished trigonometry homework.
And not once, I repeat, not ONCE, have any of you called me a "pansified sissy."
Special Ward: Lithium Weapon
He held the offered drink an arms-length away, as though still undecided about how to dispose of it. Drinking, his posture indicated, would probably be a last resort.
Just in general, love.
And I'll be sending you the thing with the hetero-fascist sterility conspiracy. :)
I'm glad you liked it; thanks again for the beta and the feedback. :)
Hurrah for hetero-fascist sterility conspiracy! :D
But anyway ...
Lovely story, Kat. ;) Made me giggle and loved Rimmer's confusion. Hee.
Glad you enjoyed it - you were the one who convinced me I should try to give this a go, despite how long ago I started it. So thank you!
Can I have a beer cake? Actually, no. That sounds festy. I'll stick with plain ol' chocolate.
And Lister, Lister was supposed to be so revolted by his revelations that he would never allow Rimmer to come anywhere near him, certainly not as close as they were now, chatting all too smegging amicably, looking so at goited peace with everything that Rimmer just wanted to scream! There had to be something he could to that would repel even Lister; that would make even the king of slob recoil in utter shock and disgust.
I really really love this part. Keep up the terrific work!
I love writing humor; it's one of the things that attracted me to this fandom. I really can't write something that is entire without humor, and I try to fit it in whenever I can. I'm glad you seemed to enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it. :)
*happy warm glowy-feeling*
Special Ward psychiatric SWAT-team
No words.
Thanks for reading and feeding back!
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