Title: Breaking The Chain
kahvi &
roadstergalPairing: Rimmer/Lister
Rating: NC-17
Parts: 4
Disclaimer: We don't own Red Dwarf or make money from it - oh well.
Spoilers: Pretty much everything. Set post VIII.
Notes: This is part 4 of 4. If you've not read the first three, you can find them here:
Part 1.
Part 2.
Part 3.
This is an unacceptable outcome
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"Bomb? Oh, my dear boy, who ever heard of such a thing! Bombs on a starship. I do declare."
Eee. I love this alternate computer personality. Pity it doesn't hang around for long.
"Hey, where you going?" Cat yelled after him in alarm. "Look, I'll still have sex with you! I don't care who you've been with!"
Rimmer did the best imitation of Cat that he could. "I'm not going to have sex with you! I don't care who you've been with!"
I love this entire part. Cat hitting on Ace, who is Rimmer? Wonderful.
"Oh, yes, yes, of course, that's what... yes." Rimmer staggered his way out of the room, feeling amazingly, amazingly dense.
He finally realizes how dense he's been! Finally!
The fact that this was so unmistakably Arn, not Ace, was quite a turn-on, Lister found. What those clothes meant; did Rimmer even realize? "Yeah..."
And that's the part about the sex scene that makes the difference. He's Arn, not Ace. And the trousers. Gotta love the trousers. X3
Kochanski sat down in the pilot's chair, abruptly, startled. Her? Ace? Hero? Finally... using the brain and the natural talents she had cultivated? Slowly, a broad smile spread across her face.
I like this. Kochanski hasn't really fit in, and now she'll have a place. She would make a good Ace. (And she'll get to meet lots of Listers...;p)
Cat laughed. "Nah, that's what he said, but I told him - ain't no way I would have made a move on..." He caught Lister's arched eyebrow and unrelenting gaze. "...Goal-post..." Lister nodded. "Trans-Am..." He nodded again. "But..." No, no, he had hit on shiny handsome dude, not goalpost head! The Cat flailed his arms, his eyes reflecting the light in an almost menacing manner, "I smelled the two of you having sex!"
I think I hit the floor laughing right about now...
Oh. Indeed. He plucked the jar out again, and shook it like a stern pointing finger at the twilight of the room beyond. "I did tell you not to start without me, didn't I?" He listened to the muffled, indignant reply, then entered and closed the door behind him with a giggle.
Happy ending!
This one will get many, many rereads.
(And double points bonus for the sexhandlebraids!)
Oh, I'm glad you liked the alternate computer personality. I wasn't sure how well I'd pulled that off. Well then, hurrah!
Mmm... Trousers... Wha? What were you saying?
Glad you liked the Cat-bit! I wanted to end it with the resolution of that oblivious!Cat joke, and it seems to have worked well.
And yes, of course sexhandlebraids. I mean, with Rimmer pulling on them like that? I think roadstergal might have set it up to make me make Lister say it, actually. If so, much kudos to her!
Thank you so much for the wonderful feedback. It brings me much joy. :D
It's a pity the alternate computer never was in the show itself. He would have been fun to see!
*joins you in getting distracted by the trousers*
The Cat realizing what he had done in the end was a lot funnier than him being oblivious. And you gave us the bonus image of Cat in the shower. XD
*sends kudos to roadstergal even if she didn't set it up like that. She deserves them just for writing with you!*
Glad I could contribute! ;)
Ain't that the truth! I'm very blessed indeed. :)
Yes, kahvi is responsible for the Starbug-computer, and it cracked me the hell up. And of course she's responsible for the happy ending! :)
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