My family sucks

Nov 29, 2012 06:20

Trigger warning: references to incest/child abuse.

Certain members of my family suck.

My aunt is a terrible human being. She's been in contact with my uncle Eric, who abused my mum and uncle Bill when they were kids.

She had him email my mum to harass her about estate stuff and the business. She's trying to get stuff she doesn't deserve.

I asked Eric to leave my mum alone and he sent me this long, rambling email about utter crap. I emailed him back and told him exactly how many fucks I didn't give and repeated the request to leave my mum alone.

Now Ingrid has contacted me. And told me to stay out of it. I told her, again, to stop fucking with my mum.

I am so upset. I know that I wasn't the one who was abused, but I grew up with this knowledge. I witnessed the damage. Her pain causes me pain because no one really acknowledges the harm that was caused her.

I am just sick with this entire mess. I don't want him anywhere near my mum. And he has the nerve to call my mum toxic. I mean, he blames my mum and Bill for what happened. Who needs to hear that? No one.

family sucks, rl

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