An update from the big rouge one...

Mar 05, 2009 02:45

1. My mum broked her ankle on Monday. In two places. She needs surgery, which will happen next Tuesday. She can't get to the bathroom on her own, so I've been staying with her to help. Problem is, it's like looking after a that, she's up and needs to go ever two hours, round the clock. I've not slept more than two hrs in a row since Sunday night. I am le tired. Well, tonight, her friend was with her for a little while, and I went home long enough to sleep for three hours, shower, and come back...

2. She's coming home with me after Friday. We're waiting on a wheelchair and commode to help.

3. I miss writing. There's no word on this compie and it makes me sadface. I tried writing in my notebook, but I can hardly read what I wrote.

4. I've been doing a little reading. For the past three/four months, Leanne's been sending me clips of the funniest shit in SGA. So, since I've been missing slash, I've been actually reading some of her recs. And, she's awesome enough to encourage my gunkink.

5. Rec me some good fic with any of my pairings? I've not read anything new in ages.

6. ROSWELL! ROSWELL!!! You can't suppress the truth! People have a right to know!

7. I'm tired.

8. I've having a huge crisis of decision-making. Should I purchase more X-files or should I purchase SGA...?

9. There is no nine. Actually, there is. I think my dragon eggs died since I've not been able to check on them. Le sad.

10. I miss you all.

rl, enumerated list, suck and fail

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