(SCANLATION) Prince of Stars by Minekura Kazuya

Nov 17, 2008 22:54

Today is my four year LJversary! YAY! LJ has been milking me out of hard earned dollars for FOUR YEARS RUNNING fweeee!

For my anniversary, I'll post an awesome one-shot short manga that Minekura Kazuya did. It's deliciously awesome and wrong. (That I want everyone to see it is the only reason that I'm crossposting...amanuensis1, I'm thinking of you! YOU'D SO LIKE THIS!)

Title: Prince of Stars:
Pages: 8
Mangaka: Minekura Kazuya
Summary: A Demon Prince sets out to be King.
Scanlator: Ayvuir Scans
A/N: Oh, how I love the end. (If anyone wants to fic this, I'll adore you for life.)


minekura is god, prince of stars, scanlation

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