TeniPuri: (FIC) Drawing Lines: Yagyuu/Niou, NC-17

Nov 05, 2008 05:14

Title: Drawing Lines.
Pairing: Yagyuu/Niou
Rating: NC-17
Summary: In which collars and leads aren't necessary.
Warning: Vampire AU. Bloodplay. Knifeplay.
AN: A pwpish sequel to In Shadows. Written for justsonya, who asked for Yagyuu/Niou smut! Um. I'm not sure how I feel about this fic.haha. Well, except: Oh, god. My brain is so wrong. lol. (Waah. I wrote most of this during exit polling.) Cut text is from Kiwi (which kept going through my mind as I wrote.) Titles...why can I never think of decent titles?

"This way," Yagyuu said, navigating them through the crowded room. There was a steady thrum of bad electronic pop music, bass lines making the room vibrate. The smell of sex was heavy in the room, making him dizzy. He closed his eyes, concentrating on Yagyuu's faint scent, and followed him through the thin crowd to the back office.

They were at a movie when someone sent Yagyuu a text asking him to come down to one of his places right away. Someone was causing trouble, apparently.

He'd never been to any of Yagyuu's holdings before, neither one of them keen on him hanging around a bar full of people. It wasn't as though he'd never done any work for Yagyuu. He often had assignments that were more suited to his particular talents. People here and there that were better off dead than causing trouble or people that weren't better off dead, but owed more money than Yagyuu appreciated were the types of jobs he tended to work. It wasn't much different than what he did for Yukimura, in the end, but the pay was better and there were…perks. Perks that often found him on all fours with a mouth filled with hot, sticky blood. Which, really, was all the payment he'd ever need.

Just as he was about to go through the door, a man walked by him, gripping a lead that was attached to a collar around another man's neck.

He snorted, shaking his head, and mumbled under his breath, "Like a dog? That's so fucked."

When he entered the room, Yagyuu was sitting at the desk, busy with papers. He looked up as Niou came in the room, thin smile on his face. "I don't think you should talk."

"Whaddya mean by that?" Niou crossed his arms across his chest, shooting Yagyuu an irritated glare.

"Don't delude yourself into thinking you're that different from him just because there isn't a collar around your neck."

"The hell?" Niou yelled. Yagyuu's expression was unfathomable. "There ain't no way I'm like that."

Yagyuu smiled then and Niou got a distinctly uncomfortable squirm in his belly. "I can demonstrate to the contrary, if it would please you."

"Whatever," Niou grumbled, trying to quell the growing feeling of unease, "I think you're cracked."

"Hmm." Yagyuu turned back to papers he was looking at, ignoring the disgruntled expression on Niou's face.

Niou watched Yagyuu as he worked, trying to think of anything but what was just said. As hard as he tried, he couldn't get Yagyuu's words out of his mind. What did he mean that he could prove that Niou was like that collared idiot? He wasn't anybody's pet. He may have been Yukimura's tool, but that had nothing to do with sex and everything to do with survival. Whatever Niou was to Yagyuu was entirely different than what he had been to Yukimura.

It seemed like forever before they got back home. Yagyuu hadn't spoken a word since they left the club, leaving Niou to his own thoughts. How could he be a sub? There was nothing submissive about him. He could kill people as easily as snap his fingers, right?

Whatever. It was bullshit.

They had made it into their bedroom before Niou couldn't take another moment of silence. "So, what the hell did you mean by all that shit?"

"Were you aware," Yagyuu said as he began to unbutton his shirt, "that one of the most prominent characteristics attributed to vampires is that of their thrall?"

"And?" Niou shifted on his feet. Yagyuu's shirt was tossed aside along with his pants and trousers. He stood there, naked, and rummaged in a nearby drawer.

When Yagyuu turned back, he was brandishing a beautifully crafted knife.

"The truth is," Yagyuu stated, calmly dragging the blade against his chest," that it's a complete myth."

"Myth," Niou echoed, unable to tear his eyes away from the small beads of red, slowly crawling down Yagyuu's skin. "Ah."

"Yes, a myth. I don't believe," Yagyuu continued, making another slice parallel to the first, "that there's such a thing as a vampire's thrall. Do you disagree?"

"Hmm." The smell of blood filled the room. Not just blood, Yagyuu's blood, which he craved to the point of addiction. He could barely hear, scarcely think about anything beyond waiting to Yagyuu allowed him to taste.

"Strip." Yagyuu's voice was clear, a demand. The knife's blade was flat against his chest, spreading the blood in wide smears.

His clothes were on the floor before his mind was even cognizant of his hands moving. There was only one thing that mattered at that moment and his mouth was wet with anticipation.

"Get on the bed," Yagyuu commanded, making another thin slice, just enough to let four beads of blood rise from the cut.

Niou obeyed without a word.

His eyes followed Yagyuu as he walked slowly over to bed and joined him. Niou licked his lips, ran his tongue over his fangs, and waited for permission. He could only taste with permission.

Yagyuu placed the knife down on the bed and grabbed the familiar container from the bedside table, tossing it to him. "Prepare yourself."

Without hesitation, he opened the cover, smearing his fingers with the cool substance. He forced his fingers inside, ignoring the slight burn. Quickly adding another finger, he stretched himself to the borderline of pain, but he didn't care. His head was filled with the tantalizing scent of Yagyuu's blood and skin. He didn't want to wait. "Fuck."

After pulling his fingers away, he slicked Yagyuu's cock with two swift movements. Crawling onto his lap after Yagyuu gave him a slight nod of approval. He lowered himself down, enjoying the stretch of Yagyuu's cock pressing inside of him, hands tightly gripping his hips as he moved.

It was only after Yagyuu was fully inside of him that he spoke again. "I don't believe I've ever been the one in your thrall."

Niou opened his mouth, but all thoughts of protest dissolved when Yagyuu gave him his subtle sign of approval. Any thoughts about debating his position flew out of his mind in the face of Yagyuu finally allowing him what'd he'd been wanting since Yagyuu touched the first button on his shirt. Niou followed the pattern of drying blood on Yagyuu's chest with his tongue, losing himself in the taste.

Blood on his tongue, the desire in his body thrummed. Niou pressed down on Yagyuu's cock, meeting every thrust with a cant of his hips. The wet slick sounds filled the room, the sweat of their skin, the wet plunge of Yagyuu pounding inside him, and his tongue lapping at every drop of blood that pored from Yagyuu's skin.

Nails dug into his hips, his back and he could only move faster, body obeying even the slightest command. Yagyuu only needed to change the pressure of his grip, and Niou would move faster, slower according to his whims. The angle of his chest dictated the speed of his drinking. Everything was controlled by Yagyuu.

He pulled his mouth away and stared at Yagyuu, delayed realization on his face. "Fucking bastard."

Yagyuu shot him a piercing gaze. "Two years," he said quietly, not even loosening his grip slightly. Niou bit back a moan as Yagyuu's cock pushed inside him, hitting it just right to make his body shiver. "Almost three."

And all that time, they'd been just as they are now, and he'd never even thought about it. Not once. It was just how they were. Niou stared down at Yagyuu's face, moving steadily, slowly, relishing the way his whole body throbbed with a need for more. It was then he realized what that expression on Yagyuu's face meant.

He leaned forward and kissed him. Yagyuu kissed back, his hand slid up Niou's back, entangling in his hair. Yagyuu ran his tongue along the sharp edge of his fang, just enough to let the heady flavour of his blood to flood his mouth. He swallowed down hard, pressed his face into the crook of Yagyuu's neck, and came.

Yagyuu wrapped his arms around Niou in a painful hold, fucking up into him hard and fast until he spilled inside him minutes later. He panted heavily against his skin, not saying a word, even as his softened cock slipped out of him, unnaturally loud in the all too quiet room.

"So?" Yagyuu seemed to be waiting for him to say something. Niou's eyes met his and he watched the barest hint of emotion flit through the almost passive expression. It wasn't as if he hadn't always accepted this as how it was. It wasn't as if he hadn't liked it this way. And Yagyuu would never humiliate him by putting a physical sign of ownership on Niou's body.

Not like the ones Niou was allowed to leave all over Yagyuu's body.

"Bed's pretty comfortable here," he said, slumping to the side, as he curled up against Yagyuu's body. "Plus, you couldn't do better than me if you tried."

Snorting, Yagyuu ran his hand up Niou's thigh, swirling his fingers in the come dripping out of his loosened hole. He teased the rim for a moment before pressing in, fucking Niou with two fingers roughly, stirring the barely latent want back to the surface. "And?"

"I figure," Niou panted out, struggling to not get lost in the swirl of need again. "I'm doing the world a favour. Offering myself up to such an insatiable bastard such as yourself."

Yagyuu rolled on top of him, shoving his cock inside with one smooth thrust. Shifting Niou's legs over Yagyuu's shoulders, he set a furious pace, nearly bending him in half.

"A very big favour," he managed to bit out before throwing his head back, moaning loudly.

"Bite me," Yagyuu demanded throatily, fucking him harder with each thrust.

Far be it from him to disobey a direct order from his master. As he sank his fangs into the bared neck, Niou smirked.

yagyuu/niou, slash, tenipuri, fic

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