I have never loved a Harry Potter movie until just now.
OMG. It was divine except for one or two small things
AWESOME! *_* HARRY omg...when did you grow up? And why isn't Luna/Harry real canon? As opposed to the awesome that is Snarry *_* Snape. Omg. You're dead sexy. Always.
And and and and and....
Just the everything. Perfect Umbridge. PERFECT. And the kitties and the pink. and Luna! ♥
and Voldie in a suit. *drools*
and and and and Lucius. Omg. So hot.
and and and and SIRIUS! And Remus... ♥
And Tonks and Harry were flirting. And she's so cute!
and that kiss. Hello, Harry. Wet doesn't cover it.
and Remus holding Harry, just like in the book ♥
and and and BELLA ♥
and it was so awesome. I go see it again soon. Real. Soon. Must watch it again.
the lame:
cho being the rat.
bella saying avada kedavra to Sirius near the veil
the dursleys are strange, but it's forgiveable.
albus is still kinda...loud and insane. why did the good one have to die.