
Jun 27, 2007 14:27

Normally, I'm of the mind that people should write whatever floats their boat, but...um....didja hafta choose Tezuka/Fuji for your pairing over at 30_deathfics?

I mean, honestly, doesn't my ship get enough crappy emo angst? It's not like there isn't already a plethora of Fuji and/or Tezuka dying in some horrible way while the other withers in despair.

Sheesh. You know what my ship needs? Smut. And not the Fuji is manipulative and and tricks a hapless Tezuka pornfic. And not the "me Tezuka, you Fuji" fic where Fuji is a dainty flower and Tezuka makes his girlyboyfriend submit. Just some hot, gritty sex because Tezuka's dead sexy and Fuji is irresistable.

I'm not going to say that our ship needs more genderbending fic, even if it totally does, because I know some people take issue with Tezuka having a set, but...

Anyhow, I'm just saying that Tezuka/Fuji DO NOT always have to be about death and woobie angst and separation and crying. Like...*sighs* I wouldn't mind some fic where they are flirting with each other and they make out. Or have sex. Or, you know, laugh.

In much happier and greater news, I received a beautiful gift from the even more beautiful petapepy. GIRL!TEZUKA. Omg. It's awesome. So. Fucking. Awesome. There's a cut-out doll, not that I'd go near it with sissors. And Fuji nails girl!Tezuka...I'm in heaven. There should really be genderbending zukafuji. I don't care if it's femmeslash or het or what. I don't care if they're both girls or if just Fuji or Tezuka is. I love that kink, and just love this ship in all forms. ♥ THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU.

zukafuji, rambling, thanks, doujinshi

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