HP: (FIC) A Grain of Truth by Reddwarfer SS/JP

Feb 17, 2007 08:39

I wrote fic, over at the daily_deviant.

Title: A Grain of Truth
Characters: Snape/James
Rating: NC-17
Kinks chosen: Dildos and blindfolds...light bondage too
Word Count: 1,264
Summary: James does what he must for the Order.
Author's notes: Thanks sooo much to djin7 for the beta and aliciamasters for the brainstorming.

"Is this necessary?" James asked, scrunching his face in distaste. The blindfold rested uncomfortably over his eyes, too tightly, making small blotches of colour dance behind his eyelids.

If the room was still as dark as it was when he entered, James didn't know, but the air was stale, mouldy, and cold enough to make his skin goose bump in response. His clothes were folded on the rickety chair nearby, and he knelt on the bed, waiting.

The sound of fabric rustling came from behind him, and then the familiar, soft, quick footsteps leading someone to the edge of the bed. "I can't fabricate memories, as you know, and if he saw flashes of me having a friendly chat with one of Dumbledore's favourites, I'd be entirely useless to the Order, since I'd be dead."

James swore under his breath. Knowing it was true didn't make the situation anymore bearable, but he swore to do anything, no matter the cost. "And there wasn't any other scenario you could think of? Or is this just the only way you can get laid?"

Hands were in his hair then, pulling it sharply until he gasped out in pain. Snape's hot breath was in his ear as he hissed angrily. "I assure you that this is not my idea of a good time."

Roughly shoved away, James struggled to right himself. Snape spoke again, this time calmer than he was only a minute ago. There were noises coming from behind him, and he itched to take the fabric away so he could see, but he gripped the bed sheets in an attempt to quell the urge.

"The Dark Lord, Potter, will see me in a dark room with a naked man and not follow that thought any further. He, to put it simply, has no sexual urges. His mind is solely fixated on conquering death, on getting power, keeping it; there's little room for anything else."

Snorting, James shook his head. He could hear Sirius' bark of laughter ringing in his ears, choking on a bad joke about how a certain someone wouldn't be cranky if he just got some. "Well," James started, but trailed off when he realised that he had nothing to say that wouldn't make him sound outrageously nervous.

"Precisely, Potter, try and remember there are more important things at stake than your delicate sensibilities. And," Snape added, almost as an afterthought, "this isn't the first time I've explained this to you, but it will be the last time I want to have this conversation."

Annoyed, James turned to argue, hands unconsciously going to his face, but Snape stopped him. "You don't want to do that, Potter." Then Snape quickly took what felt like a tie, and wrapped it around his wrists tightly, behind him, taking away any ability to take off the cloth covering his eyes.

James nodded, knowing there wasn't much else he could do, but pretending to make out with Snape in a back alley, with Snape's hand in his pants or Snape grinding against him in a backroom of a dirty club was a world away from being naked, alone, in a dark room, bound and blindfolded.

He was pushed down unceremoniously, face coming to rest on its side against the worn, flat pillow. He shifted nervously. It was awkward, James thought with a grimace, to have his arms bound, arse in the air, and Snape somewhere behind him. He wanted to leave, go home, hold Lily, and not have those cold fingers trace lines on his skin.

Shivering, James tried to move as subtly as he could from Snape's touch, but he was held fast by a harsh, bruising hold on his hip. "Stop moving," Snape bit out, pressing cold wood against his skin, teasing his entrance with a touch, too soft for pressure, but enough to make the nerves respond.

"Wai-" James gasped out as soon as the spell filled him with a strange sensation, cold, wet, and he tried to lift his head, turning it at an angle to face where he could sense Snape was standing. Before he could speak again, there was something pressing inside of him, slowly, filling him until he thought he would break. "Bastard," he bit out, trying not to focus on the way his eyes watered at the shock of it.

Snape leaned over him, the fabric of his robes rubbing against his skin. "Rule one, never let your enemy get control over you."

Indignantly, he twisted his body, trying to get Snape to move off of him, but all he got instead was a chuckle. "Snape."

"He's looking for a way back into Hogwarts," Snape continued as if James hadn't spoken at all. "There's something there that he wants. What, I don't know. However, it's important."

James breathed out harshly. "And?" Before he could say another word, Snape twisted the dildo in his arse, pushing it in further.

"He has at least two new people under his control within the Ministry. I'm not privy yet to their names, but one is an Auror," Snape continued, thrusting the dildo in and out of his arse at a rapid pace. James tried to ignore the sensations that travelled throughout his body, and instead listen intently to the information, but it was getting more difficult.

The hot breath against his neck quickened, and he could feel the dildo being roughly pulled out of him, leaving him empty and wanting. But it was only for a moment. Snape's cock nudged at him, feeling larger than what was inside of him, but he pushed back against it, needing it more than dignity. His body shuddered, muscles tensing, as Snape filled him, flexing his hips in an almost taunting manner.

Snape's fingers dug into his skin, holding him still, then all he could feel was the rapid, pounding rhythm of Snape's cock being driven forcefully inside of him. Snape lowered himself on top of him, fabric scratching at his skin, and panted in his ear the names of a few new recruits.

James twisted his fingers into the front of Snape's robes, and pushed back against him. He bit down on his lip and wished he could free his hands so he could touch himself. As if Snape heard his thoughts, his cock was enveloped in a cold, harsh grip. A couple of rough strokes, and James was coming, spilling himself all over Snape's hand.

He panted, not able to breath as Snape relentlessly fucked him from behind, too breathless himself to continue talking. Suddenly, he stilled and James felt his insides become sticky, wet, as Snape came. He shifted, suddenly becoming uncomfortable with what they just did, but unable to free himself, or get away. James tried desperately not to think of Lily or Harry, just that he was doing what he had to for the Order.

Snape hovered over him again, breathing heavily in his ear. "There is a traitor," Snape whispered in his ear, "close to you."

James turned sharply, causing his neck to scream out in pain. "What? Who?"

Pulling out of James, Snape got back to his feet, and swiftly undid the bonds, but made no move to take off the blindfold. "I don't know for sure, but the Dark Lord had smiled as he mentioned how he had spoken to your "furry little friend."

Furry…James sat up with a gasp. That was his nickname for…but it couldn't be. He tore away his blindfold, wanting to question Snape further, but when the lights in his eyes finally cleared, Snape was gone.

slash, hp, fic, jp/ss

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