:( do not understand

May 15, 2005 22:23

I thought i was shoe in for being a mod again since i only resigned to help grndmother after she got scik so felt i could ciome back where i left off since she now has nurse but nope :( i was not one of the ones accpeted I can not say it does not hurt, it does alot! :( I liked being mod i liked helping players our and the such ok i know some of you have your probs with site and people on it and that is cool we all have opinions and the such and many of my firends are you who feel that way and you are still my friends even now. but for me i still enjoyed helping out pp being a mod and feel let down now :( not sure why i was not chosen but was not :( just flet like ranting thanks for listening or if no one read thanks for at least having me in friends lit so you had chance to read
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