touch the sound

May 02, 2007 07:50

This movie came highly recommended from the blockbuster guy. i don't even usually go in blockbuster anymore, but i wanted "Happy Feet" for a quick giggle and got this as well. It's by the same director as Rivers and Tides, so it's got the same philosophical, awe-full approach to art. This time he's talking to a percussionist. World famous, awards galore, phenomenal improvisation, and she's deaf. She learned to play when she was a child by feeling the difference between the tones in her hands. She loves to experiment with the sounds in various places, of various objects, and just play with it.

She said a very interesting thing. That silence isn't the opposite of sound. That sound is vibration and even if you can't hear something, there's still a movement going on, you're just not sensitive enough to pick it up. Which is true, the whole universe is vibrating, very very very quietly. I guess you could kind of say the same thing for sight. We can only see certain wavelengths but there are lots of invisible waves around us even in the "dark".

Anyway, it's beautifully done and amazing to listen to, and makes you think about the noises you take for granted and also about how much of your body you use to experience a sound.

Amazing. See(hear) it!
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