What the hell is with that title? I don't know. Yay for more Pantera! (I'm gonna be so tired with this band after this......nah.) Pantera = the greatest metal act ever. Maybe that's why my band uses them as a big influence *maybe*. Well, I woke up today (exciting!). I looked at some classic cars for sale. Found my car-- 1958 Cadillac Eldorado Brougham.
Lol, and I found my exact car (the one I actually own) on there, too. No racing stripes, and the engine looked better, but it also was 5x the price I paid. =P Me = Cheap Bastard.
Man, I really tend to rant about nothing. I still don't get why I got a LJ. No one's gonna read it. No drama ever really happens in my life. *knock on wood*. I just hope I sent in the orientation materials for U of M on time (they were kinda late-ish. I hope they got 'em.)
La la la. I'm bored. That's why I'm writing this now. Boredom. Still at my mom's downtown. It randomly started thundering. Scary. Man, I want to do something. Nothing to do. Well, at least I get to get my tatoo colored this week. Blah. Hmm. Well, I guess I shall leave you on that note-- the coloring of the tatoo. YaY!
reddragonnikhil's LJ stalker is sw33tlittl3pixi!sw33tlittl3pixi is stalking you because they heard you are awesome in bed, and they want to find out. They are also stalking you in real life. Look out!
LJ Stalker FinderFrom