Oct 23, 2004 01:18

I just got back from the greatest concert I've ever been to. Throwdown, Children of Bodom, Fear Factory, and Lamb of God. My favorite of these is Children of Bodom... The mosh pit to COB was FUCKING HARDCORE! The last song they played was my favorite COB song, Hate Me. God, it was fucking awesome. I went nuts. The rest of the concert was killer, too (besides Throwdown, they sucked), but after COB I had to rest because of the heavy moshing I was doing. So I rested during Fear Factory (resting being not moshing, but heavy thrashing in place, what a rest, huh?). I went back in the pit for Lamb of God, but only spent a few songs in there, cause I got a few REALLY heavy elbows in my kidney, and this really nasty guy took off his shirt in front of me... I'm glad I got out when I did, though, cause they proceeded to do the Wall of Death (for any who don't know what the Wall of Death is, it's where all the big guys spread to either side then RAM the ppl in the middle). Man, it was so much fun, but I'm tired, and the kidney thing made me really sick, but it's worth it. It was great seeing Brian (one of the guitarists in my band) go through his first mosh pit. =P Overall it was FUCKING AWESOME. Now I go eat, sleep, and hopefully not puke or piss blood.

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