not moving to canada

Nov 04, 2004 19:59

so as all ya'll know now, bush utterly dominated kerry's communist ass. i think jon stewart put it best when he was talking to some dumbass democrat senator from ny, "you guys keep saying your the party closest to the beliefs of the american people, but don't results like these tell you that maybe you're wrong?" i have yet to hear what michael moore or al franken have had to bitch and moan about and say how this election was a sham and that republicans committed ballot fraud and shit like that. they need to realize that most americans do not think like spoiled, self-invovled, beligerent, over-paid, whiny little holloywood cocksuckers. i really wish i could do the nelson laugh from the simpsons. u know, a nice little "HA HA" right in their retarded faces.

now some may say i'm being a poor winner by rubbing their botoxed faces in the results. i don't care. bush even cleanly won florida. haven't heard a thing about any minorities being turned away at the polls or any hanging chads. dems now just need to go to the corner, turn around, and cry silently for the next 4 years. then in '08 we'll have president rudy giuliani or john mccain for 8 years, then maybe president jeb for the 8 after that. i've heard that hilary clinton may run in 4 yrs. she has to realize with this election that she doesn't stand a chance.

enough post-election ranting for now.

so i have to work friday, saturday, and monday at the new hold everything store at millenia at 8:30AM. plus i have a meeting at williams-sonoma on sunday from 6-8PM. then on tuesday i'm working from 9-3:30. then working truck on thursday at 6:30AM. shit.

oh yeah, i got a dvr today. funfunfun
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