TTIC 25, Celebrate YOUR favorites

Mar 31, 2009 09:01

This week it’s my turn to pick the challenge over at Twilight Tuesday Inspiration Challenge and this week I decided I wanted to see what everyone else loves about Twilight. So this weeks theme is Celebrate YOUR Favorites! Create a project/card/drawing/jewelry/installation artwork ;) that showcases the thing or things you love best about Twilight.

For my project this week I’m doing a work in progress. Through out the day today I’m going to be updating a drawing I start this last week of Bella. It’s a shot from the movie when she’s sitting on her bed deep in thought after digging on the computer and through her books to find out what Edward really is. So far I have this:

Now I know you all are sitting there thinking, um Jen. That’s a really bad photo of a mostly blank piece of paper. Well yes, yes it is. Every drawing has to start somewhere. This right here is what I refer to as the bones of the drawing. The construction lines and the beginning of the picture.

This picture in some ways symbolizes what I like best about Twilight (the book - not the movie). The build up of facts and tension at the beginning of the book. The snarky, on again, off again, I like you but I don’t want to slowly building relationship between Bella and Edward. (Not to mention I have that drawing of Edward almost done and I need a matching set.)

Now for the comment challenge I asked: What has Twilight meant to you? Well I started to answer this a little in my challenge post on the TTIC blog but I wanted to elaborate a little more here. Beyond hooking me up with a great group of fantastically talented women who inspire me to create something weekly (which is just the kind of challenge I need) it’s also hooked me back up with a lot of passions I’d let slide after college and kids. 1st - BOOKS! I hadn’t sat down and read anything other than a college textbook or a curriculum guide in a very long time when I decided to see why all of my students were gushing over this book [on a side note: I’m looking around in the test I’m proctoring right now and there are 5 kids reading Twilight and 2 of them are boys ;) ]. Now I can’t seem to stop reading. As a kid I read constantly but as I got older other interest took over and I’m very happy to be back in the land of words. 2ndly - DRAWING! Not just any drawing but drawing for me, because I want to, not because it’s an assignment or a an example but because I want to. Not long after reading Twilight I found that there were lots of other people out there creating beautiful and amazing drawing and painting based on these books and it sparked something in me. I wanted to get back to that to and so I did and my first drawing of Alice was born. It’s not my best work ever but it got me drawing again and that’s all that matters. :D

Now, go check out the other answers to the comment part of the question over at and see what the other design team members have to share with us this week. :D (And be sure to check back later for updates!)

Beth ~ Dani ~ EveJen ~ Julie ~Margie  ~ Rebecca ~ Tonya
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