So I totally forgot that there were rallies and demos being held in response to Our Commander-in-Chief's announcements yesterday. Missed chaining myself to the federal building, I guess. Actually, I'm against getting arrested in civil disobedience type actions. Hell, I say outrun the pigs. This administration has turned everything into such a colossal charade of a representative democracy that it seems appropriate to put on a little song and dance routine, just for shits and giggles. Still, the cops in Portland are so brutal that, besides routinely killing unarmed African-Americans and random homeless people, they've been known to
pepper spray small children, so there's no way I'd be down there without a babysitter at home.
In other, less dramatic, actions, I would encourage y'all to write a letter to Oregon Health Science University in support of the plan to reduce their use of animal experimentation by 5 percent annually. Despite my recently lax position on animal rights shit, mostly as a knee-jerk reaction to dealing with overzealous vegans who will not be named, the shit that's been going on at the Primate Research Center up on Pill Hill is fucking outrageous. I don't know how many former employees coming forward with scandalous video footage it will take before the administrators get their heads out of their asses, but for the time being they're seeking public comment and I intend to give it to them. If you'd like to tell them that torturing monkeys to reach obvious conclusions in questionably sound research is wrong please go
here and write them.
That is all.