Wow! I'm doing NaNoWriMo too!! (It's Sam from yale, remember? ;-)) I'd say if you like your story other than not knowing the historical stuff, keep going. The characters will carry you through, and really 1667 words a day isn't *so* many that you can't do some research as you go as well. I'd particularly recommend the NaNo forums.. try posting on the character and realism forum or in the historical fiction genre lounge. With all the people doing NaNo (and especially given the crowd) there's likely to be someone who can answer your questions if you put something like "18th century French clothing/customs/etc." in the subject. (really... I've been shocked and happily amazed at the expertise of people out there)
Also (I'm doing a fantasy novel, and though I had a fair amount of background done beforehand you can never, never, never plan everything) I'd say stop and research it/wait for an answer if it's vital to your story (inside pockets holding things being a plot point, or someone's risque dress causing a scene, say) but if it's more description you want to put in flag it with a big, blue (I hate red) "AMAZING HISTORICALLY ACCURATE AND POETIC DESCRIPTION HERE" and keep going.
SAMU-CHAN!!! Hisashiburi!!! XDDD Forgive me, I actually didn't recognize you with your smexy, new haircut... bad me... @___@;; I never think I know any of my lj friends IRL, so it throws me for a loop sometimes. But I'll remember now! Yakusoku suru!
Wowie, you're in your senior year now, right? How goes the Comic-Writers' Club? You know, I actually drew a 20-page entry for the TokyoPop Rising Stars of Manga Contest last year! (though it didn't get chosen :( )
I would definitely say "yeah, let's swap!" but it's so painfully historically inaccurate, I feel embarrassed. ^^;; Ah well, as I write more and (hopefully) research more, maybe that feeling will change... oh yeah, thanks for the tip about the forums-- I'll definitely go try my luck there! I'm called "RedCrest" on there, btw!
Anyway, thank you for the encouragement and advice--best of luck to you, too! What sort of fantasy novel is it? The medieval world at war type, or the elves and faeries type? Maybe we can be writing buddies and bounce ideas off of one another? ^^ Ganbare!!
Heh actually I graduated in May. Right now I'm in Japan on the JET program (and thus with lots and lots of time on my hands for novelling) The comics club seems to be surviving still though, for which I am profoundly grateful. And trust me, I wouldn't know historical accuracy if it hit me over the head so don't worry. I suppose if I had to pick one it's more the "medieval world at war" type but gwah... I get embarrassed talking about plots and stuff. (guess we all have our points ;-) ) Ganbarre! (I'm Rokikurama over on NaNo as well)
YOU'RE IN JAPAN?!?!? LUCKY!!!! Where did you end up? I know JET loves throwing ppl into the inaka... but are you anywhere near Osaka? I need to introduce you to something wonderful they have there called Takarazuka~ :D
Anyway, about my novel... I have a problem. It's become a freakin' slash fest, which is bad, because I want to be able to show this novel to my friends and family. @_@;; A little homosexuality is fine, of course, and I only meant it to show up here and there in the story... but that's all I'm writing so far. @___@;; Gaaah, maybe I should just scrap it and start again... ;___;
Heh yep I am in Japan. It's pretty cool but gets quite lonely, ne? I'm in a suburb of Gifu city (called Mizuho) that's roughly 2 and a half hours away from Osaka. And, dear friend, there is no need to introduce me to Takarazuka, I've already got tickets ;-) I'm going to El Halcon (I think that's what it was called) on December 14th... very excited. Though I wish I could see the otokogata who did the Phantom in Takarazuka's Phantom of the Opera a few years back (look for it on youtube... my goodness :-D) since I like longer hair rather than the kind of short, almost yakuza-ish style a lot of the otokoyaku have now. And um yeah it's good to have a balance with the slash (is amused) especially if you're going for historical accuracy. My two MCs are lesbian, but most of the other characters (including the hapless for now narrator) are straight. Don't scrap it.. ike! ganbare! go for it!
Samu-chan, how did you hear about Zuka?? Oh, that's right, Professor Kelly mentions them in JP Anthro, huh? But MAN, Zuka is SO awesom~~ *__* I first saw it thanks to Professor Kinsella, who taught a JP Sociology class back in my freshman year... she's left Yale now, but she kindly gave me a copy of Rose of Versailles, which she showed to us in class. *__* Faizah and I were so in love...
As for the gorgeous Phantom you're referring to-- it's the original Zuka Phantom (back in 2004), right? :D That is the magnificent Wao Youka-sama, the longest-running Top Star in the history of Takarazuka! She and her 6-year Top Combi partner Hanafusa Mari more or less created Cosmos Troupe, leading it for 6 of the 8 years it had been in existence. To the unending sorrow of the entire revue and all Zuka fans everywhere, they retired together on July 2, 2006... but I got to see them do their awesome last show, Never Say Goodbye, live! *__* That was, in fact, the first thing I'd seen of them (I was introduced with Moon Troupe-- Top Star Ayaki Nao's Der Tod in the 2005 production of the hugely popular Elisabeth: Ai to Shi no Rondo, which I HIGHLY recommend you get the DVD for!).
Oh yeah, you can still get Wao-sama's utterly incredible Phantom on DVD at Quatre Reves, which is the official Zuka goods store, located in the Takarazuka Grand Theater. Beware: in 2006, Flower Troupe's Haruno Sumire starred in a Phantom revival, giving a performance that was mediocrity itself. DO NOT get that version. @_@ 2004 Cosmo Troupe version is MUCH better the ONLY WAY to watch Takarazuka's Phantom!
^^;; Eheheh, gomen for getting so vehement... it's just that Wao-sama did such an incredible job all the way through her action-packed 6 years as Top and Osa (Haruno) has been half-assing it so much for the past year or so, and I expect 150% from Takarasiennes, which they normally always give. ^__~ But yeah, El Halcon looks pretty interesting, and Aran Kei is a good singer. ^__^
Anyway, I will ganbaru. My word count is still pathetic as anything, but I've gotten over my blues. ^__~ And why can't I have slash *and* historical accuracy--men were much more free to be homosocial in the past and I'm sure there were plenty of homosexuals in any time/place in the world (just likely closeted :D)! That said, I'll do my best not to make it PWP (actually, there will be no consummation of anything that may or may not develop between my MCs~ I do want to be able to show this to my family... ^^;;; ). Your story sounds really interesting too--is it set in the modern day? Kimi mo ganbatte ne~ ^__^ <3
Btw, being in Gifu-ken, if you ever feel like visiting lovely Nagoya, I will tell you how to get to the world's greatest cake shop to eat the world's greatest chocolate gateau cake~ ^____^ <3
Hee... I actually have no idea how I first heard about Zuka. It's just always been there in my mind (laughs) and the idea of getting that dvd is *incredibly* exciting... maybe I'll just leave this computer on Japan region settings forever. Like wow. Wow. I just look at that picture and am happy forever.
I'm glad you've gotten over your blues! And of course you can have homosexual relationships and historical accuracy... I guess I just don't associate that with the word "slash" ;-) Heh. Nope it's not set in the modern day; I made up my own fantasy world that hopefully works. I think it does, although I've realized the ending for this story is going to be *incredibly* morose.
Also I love visiting Nagoya and love chocolate gateau cake even more... so michi o osiete kudasai ne!
Said insanely delicious cake shop is actually a full-on restaurant/cafe right by Nanzan Daigaku, which is where I studied for that year after graduation (awesome school-- there are probably several Yalies studying there now, btw, if you wanted to get in contact and see them!).
*cough* Anyway, the shop is called Downey and the cake is their signature cake, predictably named "the Downey." :) To get there from Nagoya Eki (I'm assuming that's where you'll arrive), take the Higashiyama (yellow) Line to Motoyama Eki. There, norikae to the Meijo (purple/circle) Line going clockwise, and get off at Yagoto Nisseki Eki. Go out of Exit 1 (the one with the elevator--it's the exit nearer to you when you get off the train, too) and turn right as soon as you step out of the elevator onto the street. Go straight down that street all the way to the big intersection (it's not that far--maybe a block or so?) where there's a cute restaurant called "Pastel" to your right. Don't go in there--mazui zo. Instead, keep going straight and cross the street toward this towering high-rise apartment building. Once you've crossed the street, turn right and follow the sidewalk around the corner of the apartment building. More or less immediately after the apartment bldg, you'll see a cozy, little shop to your left called "Downey"-- that's the place! ^____^ Go in and get the Cake Set (cake of choice + coffee or tea) or get a nice, juicy burger with delicious onion rings if you're hungrier. Either way, be sure you try the Downey cake before you go! *__* <3
If you actually do go to Nagoya, tell me-- I can give you detailed directions on how to get to some awesome places. They actually have a Quatre Reves in Nagoya, too, so if you want to buy Phantom or whatever else before going to see El Halcon, you can go there! ^__^ Other plays I HIGHLY recommend are:
And the best thing about these Zuka DVDs is that they are all region free!! :D Hurray for Zuka~ ^^ They do take some measures to help out the foreign fans (when you go to El Halcon, look for the little one-page plot summary leaflets-- it's in Japanese on one side and English on the other! Hurray!! :D) And be sure to grab lots of chirashi (posters) for the upcoming shows--you can give them as gifts to fellow Zuka fans back home (hint hint =P) or sell'em on ebay! ^^
Oh yes, about the "slash"-- eheh, well, the ghei I'm writing is definitely more of the "made for fangirling" kind than the "angsty and less glamorous real-life gay guys" kind, but I'll try to restrain myself and keep it serous-ish. ^__~ I have no idea how I'll hit my goal now, but I'm gonna keep trying!! :D Kimi mo ganbatte! ^___^
Downey Nagoya Yagoto NissekirokikuramaNovember 18 2008, 01:14:24 UTC
Hi there, my name is Jutta and I just found your instructions of how to go to Downey. It is a nice place. I am new to Nagoya and would like to meet people. Especially I would like to get your detailed directions on "how to get to some awesome places." You can reach me at Hope to hear from you - or anybody who knows where those awesome places are. Jutta
Also (I'm doing a fantasy novel, and though I had a fair amount of background done beforehand you can never, never, never plan everything) I'd say stop and research it/wait for an answer if it's vital to your story (inside pockets holding things being a plot point, or someone's risque dress causing a scene, say) but if it's more description you want to put in flag it with a big, blue (I hate red) "AMAZING HISTORICALLY ACCURATE AND POETIC DESCRIPTION HERE" and keep going.
Good luck!! Maybe we should exchange later :-)
Wowie, you're in your senior year now, right? How goes the Comic-Writers' Club? You know, I actually drew a 20-page entry for the TokyoPop Rising Stars of Manga Contest last year! (though it didn't get chosen :( )
I would definitely say "yeah, let's swap!" but it's so painfully historically inaccurate, I feel embarrassed. ^^;; Ah well, as I write more and (hopefully) research more, maybe that feeling will change... oh yeah, thanks for the tip about the forums-- I'll definitely go try my luck there! I'm called "RedCrest" on there, btw!
Anyway, thank you for the encouragement and advice--best of luck to you, too! What sort of fantasy novel is it? The medieval world at war type, or the elves and faeries type? Maybe we can be writing buddies and bounce ideas off of one another? ^^ Ganbare!!
Anyway, about my novel... I have a problem. It's become a freakin' slash fest, which is bad, because I want to be able to show this novel to my friends and family. @_@;; A little homosexuality is fine, of course, and I only meant it to show up here and there in the story... but that's all I'm writing so far. @___@;; Gaaah, maybe I should just scrap it and start again... ;___;
As for the gorgeous Phantom you're referring to-- it's the original Zuka Phantom (back in 2004), right? :D That is the magnificent Wao Youka-sama, the longest-running Top Star in the history of Takarazuka! She and her 6-year Top Combi partner Hanafusa Mari more or less created Cosmos Troupe, leading it for 6 of the 8 years it had been in existence. To the unending sorrow of the entire revue and all Zuka fans everywhere, they retired together on July 2, 2006... but I got to see them do their awesome last show, Never Say Goodbye, live! *__* That was, in fact, the first thing I'd seen of them (I was introduced with Moon Troupe-- Top Star Ayaki Nao's Der Tod in the 2005 production of the hugely popular Elisabeth: Ai to Shi no Rondo, which I HIGHLY recommend you get the DVD for!).
Oh yeah, you can still get Wao-sama's utterly incredible Phantom on DVD at Quatre Reves, which is the official Zuka goods store, located in the Takarazuka Grand Theater. Beware: in 2006, Flower Troupe's Haruno Sumire starred in a Phantom revival, giving a performance that was mediocrity itself. DO NOT get that version. @_@ 2004 Cosmo Troupe version is MUCH better the ONLY WAY to watch Takarazuka's Phantom!
^^;; Eheheh, gomen for getting so vehement... it's just that Wao-sama did such an incredible job all the way through her action-packed 6 years as Top and Osa (Haruno) has been half-assing it so much for the past year or so, and I expect 150% from Takarasiennes, which they normally always give. ^__~ But yeah, El Halcon looks pretty interesting, and Aran Kei is a good singer. ^__^
Anyway, I will ganbaru. My word count is still pathetic as anything, but I've gotten over my blues. ^__~ And why can't I have slash *and* historical accuracy--men were much more free to be homosocial in the past and I'm sure there were plenty of homosexuals in any time/place in the world (just likely closeted :D)! That said, I'll do my best not to make it PWP (actually, there will be no consummation of anything that may or may not develop between my MCs~ I do want to be able to show this to my family... ^^;;; ). Your story sounds really interesting too--is it set in the modern day? Kimi mo ganbatte ne~ ^__^ <3
Btw, being in Gifu-ken, if you ever feel like visiting lovely Nagoya, I will tell you how to get to the world's greatest cake shop to eat the world's greatest chocolate gateau cake~ ^____^ <3
I'm glad you've gotten over your blues! And of course you can have homosexual relationships and historical accuracy... I guess I just don't associate that with the word "slash" ;-) Heh. Nope it's not set in the modern day; I made up my own fantasy world that hopefully works. I think it does, although I've realized the ending for this story is going to be *incredibly* morose.
Also I love visiting Nagoya and love chocolate gateau cake even more... so michi o osiete kudasai ne!
Said insanely delicious cake shop is actually a full-on restaurant/cafe right by Nanzan Daigaku, which is where I studied for that year after graduation (awesome school-- there are probably several Yalies studying there now, btw, if you wanted to get in contact and see them!).
*cough* Anyway, the shop is called Downey and the cake is their signature cake, predictably named "the Downey." :) To get there from Nagoya Eki (I'm assuming that's where you'll arrive), take the Higashiyama (yellow) Line to Motoyama Eki. There, norikae to the Meijo (purple/circle) Line going clockwise, and get off at Yagoto Nisseki Eki. Go out of Exit 1 (the one with the elevator--it's the exit nearer to you when you get off the train, too) and turn right as soon as you step out of the elevator onto the street. Go straight down that street all the way to the big intersection (it's not that far--maybe a block or so?) where there's a cute restaurant called "Pastel" to your right. Don't go in there--mazui zo. Instead, keep going straight and cross the street toward this towering high-rise apartment building. Once you've crossed the street, turn right and follow the sidewalk around the corner of the apartment building. More or less immediately after the apartment bldg, you'll see a cozy, little shop to your left called "Downey"-- that's the place! ^____^ Go in and get the Cake Set (cake of choice + coffee or tea) or get a nice, juicy burger with delicious onion rings if you're hungrier. Either way, be sure you try the Downey cake before you go! *__* <3
If you actually do go to Nagoya, tell me-- I can give you detailed directions on how to get to some awesome places. They actually have a Quatre Reves in Nagoya, too, so if you want to buy Phantom or whatever else before going to see El Halcon, you can go there! ^__^ Other plays I HIGHLY recommend are:
1. Elisabeth - Moon Troupe - 2005
2. Datenshi no Namida / Tarantella! - Snow Troupe - 2006
3. Romeo and Juliet - Flower Troupe - 1999
4. Ernest in Love - Moon Troupe - 2005
5. Aoi Tori wo Sagashite / Takarazuka Dream Kingdom - Snow Troupe - 2004
6. Never Say Goodbye - Cosmos Troupe - 2006
And the best thing about these Zuka DVDs is that they are all region free!! :D Hurray for Zuka~ ^^ They do take some measures to help out the foreign fans (when you go to El Halcon, look for the little one-page plot summary leaflets-- it's in Japanese on one side and English on the other! Hurray!! :D) And be sure to grab lots of chirashi (posters) for the upcoming shows--you can give them as gifts to fellow Zuka fans back home (hint hint =P) or sell'em on ebay! ^^
Oh yes, about the "slash"-- eheh, well, the ghei I'm writing is definitely more of the "made for fangirling" kind than the "angsty and less glamorous real-life gay guys" kind, but I'll try to restrain myself and keep it serous-ish. ^__~ I have no idea how I'll hit my goal now, but I'm gonna keep trying!! :D Kimi mo ganbatte! ^___^
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