RCA-A Welcome Back of Sorts [Public Post]

Sep 01, 2010 16:24

Happy new school year, everyone! I hope everyone had a good summer. It was certainly an interesting one at that.

Well, I'll start off with saying congratulations to everyone that moved up or graduated this year. It's quite an accomplishment, graduating. It'll be my turn next time around... scary!

For those that didn't... there's always next year? And if anyone needs help with a subject, I'll be more than happy to help you with it. Especially history.

And it's also the start of a new month, so that should be fairly exciting. Is so totally not mentioning that his 18th birthday is tomorrow. Totally not.

Well, that's about all I have to say, so good luck in the new year, and I'll see you around campus.

welcome back

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