Sep 22, 2006 16:44
So I'll fill you in on what my first day (or so) of Collge has been like:
The parents and I drove from Grants Pass to Oregon in the morning yesterday and arrived around 11:30. I checked in and headed up to my room. Let me tell ya... I love it! It was way more spacious than I was expecting (I kind of wish I had brought more stuff... because I totally have room for it). The only downside is that the floors are cement. But I came home today and noticed that my rommate had purchased some rugs, so I think we will be fine. I moved all of my boxes into my room and picked a side. I then had to go open a new bank account (since my other one is Bay Federal, which is only local to Santa Cruz) at the Oregon Credit Union. Then my parent and I drove around aimlessly for an hour trying to find a place to eat. We ended up at IHOP since it wasn't near campus and there was room in the parking lot. We then headed over to a grocery store so I could pick up a few things I forgot, like laundry detergent. While I was checking out I got a call from my rommate, Laura who told me that she had arrived and saw the note I left her. I then headed back to my room and then said goodbye to the parents. It wasn't that hard to say goodbye, but I think that is because I haven't gotten homesick yet. Granted, I have only been here for like a day, but whatever...
I then started to unpack all of my stuff. Laura continued to move in and then her family invited me to dinner with them. I thought that was really kind, considering I had only known them for a few hours. We then went to a Chilis and met up with some other members of Laura's family who live in Eugene. I got to hear a lot about her cousin, who goes to the U of O and is on the football team. It was interesting to see a family who is REALLY into college football, especially since I know nothing about it and am just starting to learn, and only because the Ducks are winning a lot of games these days (I know there were a few bad calls that happened in their favor, but whatever...)
After dinner Laura and I headed back to LLC (Living-Learning Center, the complex we live in) for a mandatory meeting entitled "LLC: So Now What?". Basically all of the RA's went over the basic rules of the dorm and did some depressing bad skits about drinking and keeping your doors locked. Some the RAs then announced plans that they had for their floor later that week. I noticed that my RAs didn't have anything planned... I would complain, but I consider this karma for being a bad Link Crew leader. My RAs have been pretty absent from the floor, and I notice they arent really doing anything to make us all get to know eachother. This may change after our first hall meeting on Sunday, but we will see.
After this meeting, my rommate and I headed back to our room to finished unpacking and watch Grey's Anatomy. We left our door open to encourage visitors and invited some girls from across the hall to come over, but they just rolled their eyes and snickered and then mentioned they were going to go to some frat party at "phi betta something... ugh, I can't remember". I don't think we will be hanging out or seeing much of those girls, since I noticed they have frequent male visitors and never seem to want to chat. Y'know what I say? Their loss!
We were both really beat by that point, so we decided to got bed instead of going to some mixer for freshman (which I heard later was totally weird and lame anyway) and a "party" that some people were having down the hall. I call it a party because it was like 6 people sitting in a dorm with the lights off and music blareing yelling "we are having a party!!!" to anyone who walked by.
Today I woke up and took a shower then headed to this meeting for my FIG. First I better explain what a FIG is..
A Freshman Intrest Group (FIG) is this program that allows you to take two general ed classes together (mine is Business and Sociology) with a group of 25 people, then take a college connections class which talks about how the two are related. The FIG leader (who is also your TA) also teaches you how to adjust to College Life. So I headed over to some lecture hall where I met my FIG leader along with the faculty member who teaches the college connetions class. They then showed us where our business and sociology classes would be. I was hopeing that I would make connections with people in this program, but I don't really think we meshed very well. My FIG leader was like "who here is planning on rushing?!" and every girl raised her hand... except for me. Some of the boys seem alright though.
I love the business school though! Everything is state-of-the-art, and I can tell there are many opportunities for anyone who goes through the business program. Hopefully my business class will really peak my interest like and everything will be as interesting as it has been in the past.
I then decided to grab some lunch, so I headed over to the DUX Bistro in LLC. I got a sandwich and a some juice and scoped out the tables. I then went up to some non-threatening girls and asked if I could sit with them. They obliged and all seemed really nice. They all lived together in the honors hall and will be going through U of O Honors College. We then really seemed to be on the same wavelength, especially when it came time for us to swap stories about intense AP/Honors classes in high school. They were really friendly and even sat with me while I finished eating, even though they had clearly done with thier meal. They said that they were heading over to the craft center to tie-dye some shirts, so I decided to meet them there with a pair of white socks. The free crafting sesh at the Craft Center was a lot of fun! I met a lot of friendly people, most of them from the honors hall or the honors college. I then got to hear stories about the people on their various floors. I then told them how my hall was not really like that and most people seemed to keep to themselves and keep their doors shut. This somehow lead to a perminant invite to the Thursday Office/ Greys Anatomy party in the Hamilton (another dorm) basement. After a long time tye-dying socks, I was looking over the brochure of the different workshops the craft center offers when this girl Jenny was like "Jessica! Come to lunch with us!"
Although I had already eaten, I went anyway. So Jenny, Claire, and Danny (all of us having met at the craft center) decied to head over to the pizza place in Bean (another dorm...) which turned out to be closed. We then went to this deli called Hammys from sandwiches. We talked and exchanged numbers and then headed back to the craft center to check up on our articles of clothing which were still soaking in the dye. After collecting our masterpieces, the four of us went to the bookstore so Danny and I could purchase our books. While heading over there, Jenny ran into this girl on her floor Trinity who decied to come over to the bookstore to kill some time. My books were easy to buy since I had reserved them during the summer, but Danny had to go search for his, so Trinity, Jenny, and I sat around and chatted. Both of them were interested in journalism, and it turned out we were all taking the same Mass Media and Society class, but only at different times. After finishing up our purchases, Danny and Claire headed back to their room while I headed back to LLC to drop off my stuff and show Jenny and Trinity LLC and my room. We then went our seperate ways, but we are meeting up later tonight when we go to Intermingle, this huge, grad-night like party to kick off the new year.
I was going to go explore the library under the recomendation from Trinity, but decided to call home once I noticed I had a text message from my mom. I called a few people (My family, who didnt answer the phone, Laurent, Jenny, Katie, Nisha) and then headed back to the bistro for a snack. I then headed back up to my room to take a few pictures to send to the family (and possibly post on here)... Laura invited me to a BBQ at her aunts house, but I think I am just going to stay here and do some more exploring.
Wow, that was long. I don't feel like spell-checking it.
Y'all better keep me posted on how you are doing!