Sep 30, 2006 00:27
So here is rundown on all of my classes:
Introduction to Business:
I have heard nothing but wonderful things about this professor, and I can kind of see why. His class is set up in a really weird way where we work in these teams every day, but he is taking otherwise completely dry material and making it interesting. We have to do some sort of simulation where we run our own company, but they offer tutoring just for it, which I will probably be going to a lot. The only thing that sucks about this class is I have to print out like 15 pages of material a day, and I don’t have a printer, so I always have to go down the hall and using Sammy and Lizzie’s (these girls who live down the hall from me) printer.
Introduction to Sociology:
This is my largest class (around 400 people) but I kind of like it that way. There is no real pressure to raise your hand or give a response because there are like 150 people who are more than willing to respond. At first I thought my professor was going to be kind of annoying, but she is starting to grow on me. And the material is really interesting. But I have this feeling that this is going to be my hardest class because it has the most reading, and it is the only class that I have to write real college papers in (well, at least for this quarter).
College Connections:
This is my FIG class where the people in my FIG just kind of sit around and talk about problems in either business or sociology. I guess we have to do a few assignments like go to office hours and interview someone who has a college degree, but I think this class is more about bonding than work. The people in my fig are all actually really nice, and I shouldn’t have judged them all on the first day, especially since a lot of people weren’t there at the initial meeting. We all spend our entire Thursdays together since we go from College Connections to our sociology discussion (which I will get to in a moment) and then to our sociology lecture right in a row. Our professor for that class is also really cool, and reminds me so much of Kelly (Wade, my international business teacher senior year who I guess could be called a mentor), which is good, because she is really approachable and knowledgeable. My FA (Like TA, but I guess she isn’t called that since it’s a FIG or something) also seems really friendly.
Sociology Discussion:
So my discussion section for my Soc class is made up of my entire FIG and then like five other people. Since our FIG has already become like an old class that everyone feels comfortable in, we acted like this in the discussion class. The poor GTF (who is actually a friendly, nerdy guy who just wants to try to help us out) was treated like that substitute teacher who ends up just letting the class do whatever it wants by the end of the period just to get so everyone will leave him or her alone. Now this guy does ALL of our grading, so I want to kiss ass and get him on my side so I can get a decent grade in a class where I may not otherwise. I have no shame, I know, but unlike high school I need to go beyond just reading to get a good grade. This may be sick, but I don’t really care.
Mass Media and Society:
This class is probably my favorite, because it is unlike anything I have ever taken before, and the professor reminds me so much of Mr. Bill (he is even bald!). Hopefully that gives you some clue as to how the class environment is as well as his lecture/teaching style. Since this is the equivalent to an “into to journalism” class, most of the students are wannabe journalists who can be kind of annoying at times. I am all for “stickin’ it to the man” and whatnot, but I think it is a little naive to think that every single person in that class will be working on hard-hitting, Watergate-esque journalism in 10 years. Most of them will be working for the media conglomerates that they so despise, if even working in the journalism field at all. But I still am totally in love with this class, despite me badmouthing the people.
Anyway, to sum up my classroom experience thus far: I love the classes, most of the students, and professors, but the work is already starting to be overwhelming, and midterms are a few weeks away, and it is only my first week.