Nov 12, 2009 18:08
holy shit, my LJ entries are a day ahead!! i must fix the dates on my calendar.
i'm running out of "corporate" clothes to wear, so that means i'm going shopping for the next interview, which i hope i don't bomb because i pretty much made and idiot of myself by talking to much on the previous one and sounding like an absolute airhead. i need to work on my eye contact skills and speaking of contact...
i need new contacts! i'm so poor i can't even buy new contact lenses. i can't even get my glasses refracted because i can't afford new lenses since the parents stopped my allowance (and cut my credit card). these are hard times for sanya coo.
i feel kinda bad because i'm not expecting to get a call back (let alone a job!. wait, is it called "call back" when your applying for a job as well?) because number one, i sounded like and idiot. number two, i sounded like a really really dumb idiot. i don't like talking about myself and i have a thing for confrontational BS and unless your a branggay tanod (flash a little cleavage, flirt a little and you get away without a shooting permit, i tell you). ask misha and he'll tell you i make up the worst lies excuses. i think people just let me get away with it because they feel sorry for me or they know i'm actually boring enough not to do anything crazy like... come home after 3am. sleepy by 11pm, home before the sun goes up. anything later and it's not my parents who get nervous, but me. sorry, i just like sleeping when its still dark outside and in my own bed. LOSERRRR.
so i fucked up an interview by sounding too text-bookish in an elle woods kind of way. i probably fucked up the english test as well because when was the last time i took grammar classes? Eng10? i realized i should have balanced my creative writing electives with grammar classes instead of hoarding all the CW units. ARGH. had lunch with daddy (since i was too poor to buy my own lunch) at Apartment 1B and had lamb curry. stupid. i thought, no onions or garlic since i had an interview, well, curry isn't any better. i just hope i wasn't babbling away to the scent of digested indian spices the whole time i was talking.
since i'm hardly in the makati area ever, i decided to take advantage of it (plus i was feeling pretty bummed out from the interview). so i bought chocolates from rustans (P200 for 4 pieces of heaven!) and, having been depressed and having no sense at all during that time, blew my last remaining savings on SHINY BLACK FAUX LEATHER TIGHTS. why i need a pair is beyond me. why i bought it is beyond me. i thought it looked good on Michael Jackson's girl-goddess of a guitarist (HELLO THIS IS IT!) so i bought it. i was all, you never know when your going to need SHINY BLACK FAUX LEATHER TIGHTS! you never know when you'll need to dress up like a transsexual hooker so might as well blow your last thousand on SHINY BLACK FAUX LEATHER TIGHTS! and since i thought i could dupe my parents in buying a pair of tacky gun-metal strap on platforms, i reserved a pair as well, you know, to match my SHINY BLACK FAUX LEATHER TIGHTS.
god, is this a way of subconsciously telling me that i should consider being a prostitute?!?!?!?!?!?!?!