Video 005 // Pieces

May 02, 2011 03:05

[The man on the screen might seem familiar to some. He keeps to himself, keeps to the shadows, but he is around nonetheless. After all...Vatheon is like another home, these days.

But he seems worn, tired. His expression is a smile, but...There is something off about it, and before he speaks he runs a hand through messy brown hair.]

It seems like there is never enough people here. They just forever draw more and more of us into this underwater trap.

The right questions are hard to come by in this place, and answers even harder, so figure that out now. You aren't leaving, either; not until "the Great Lamufao" [Disdain, so much disdain in his tone] deems you too useless to stay.

Everything is twisted here, so you'd better change your definition of normal if you want to last long.

[There is a peculiar twist to his lips, a not quite grin, but bitter. And then he turns off the SFC before making some filtered calls.]

[Filtered to sweeperesque; 80% unhackable]

[Hesitation. It...hit him truly when he set the filters, when he went to call her and was able to work the technology properly, without issue.

Thanks to Naoya, really.

He narrows his eyes and focuses.]

We need to talk. There's been a problem.

[End Filter]

[Filtered to angelphones; 90% unhackable]

[He is careful to keep his expression unreadable, solemn but not angry. Nothing really. Nothing but flat and careful.]

...I have something for you.

[End Filter]

!ic, +filter: saya minatsuki, sob sob angst, welp, !video, hi newbies i am your neighborhood thief, missing naoya?, what is hiatus, how does that even happen, sorry saya, +filter: katsu aoki, vatheon is strange, sad spy is sad, stop dying guys, this is why attachments suck

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