i was running my usual route when i came across this. i thought it was an odd tag. most tags are masuline, this is something i think a women would do. if anybody looks closely, they can see the rainbow in the background.
the other day i was at my grandma's house(it feels like my sisters house, so i often refer to it as my sisters house), and i ended up spending the night. the next day was hovic. i don't want to go into detail because of the material might be incriminating, but what i seen didn't feel right . i didn't speak up at first because i had to really think why things went the way they went. i tried to justify it, and i did, but because things are the way they are does not make it right. i ended going back to my sister's house and telling her i didn't appreciate what i seen. she gave a real good excuse, but i still told her i didn't appreciate it. i refered to the incident on how my brother and i were raised, and i couldn't stand anybody being treated that way. she ended up telling my mom and my mom text me. her text didn't sit with me right. i think i am going to boycott my family events. am i doing it because i'm mad.yup. but i also been hearing that if there are toxic people in your life, it would be a good idea to stay away. and when i think about it, i don't learn anything there. i don't grow intelluctually, or emotionally. i'm trying to grow emotionally. i want to be able to tell someone that i care for them without being mad, or being scared. i want to feel that i have self worth. i can't do that there, and i feel small when i am there or around those people. i hear negative things all day, everyday. i can't live like that anymore. this is my life, and i'm suppose to be grabbing destiny by the horns. well heres my start.