Aug 18, 2011 15:09
[Damn it, he doesn't want to talk to Eridan, but this needs to be said.]
Eridan, I know what I said before, but I need to clear something up. I don't pity you. At all. Especially not like that.
[He ends the call quickly.
Ugh, he really hopes that that's the end of that.]
this's why eridan can't have nice things,
can't stand your face,
lloyd fails at romance
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[Have an amuse Eridan, alright? Sweet ok.]
I could gather that by all this black flirtin' you'we been throwin' my way, if you DID pity me, then that'd be a bit scandalous all things considered.
I'm not flirting with you! That's the whole point!
[Lloyd still thinks they're dealing with the pity quadrants.]
No, I get that you're not red flirtin' with me, but you'we been pretty goddamn forward with your black adwances.
[Such massive black denial!]
[Such smugness!]
Look, Eridan. I. Don't. Like. You. At all. I don't pity you, I don't want to be around you, I hate you. The only thing I've ever wanted to do with you is hit you! There! Now have I made myself clear?!
Don't you get it? I'm not talkin' about pity. I'm talkin' about hate.
Is that relief showing on his face? It is.]
Then just so we're clear, I don't want you to pity me, either. Not human pity or troll pity or any pity at all. We'll both stick to black things. Got it?
[Because black is hate and has nothing to do with romantic feelings at all. Except for whatever it is that Karkat and Eridan have, but that still confuses Lloyd and he's pretty sure it doesn't apply to him.]
Are you TRYIN' to entice me? Tryin' to get me to commit black infidelity on my kismesis? You want to make this black?
I'm not trying to do anything, but yes, I want this to stay black. Maybe someday if you stop being a jerk we can try out something else- ["Friendship" is too positive a word, but maybe a lack of hostility.] -but until then I don't want you to think I want anything else.
Karkat doesn't have to be involved in this at all. We can deal with this ourselves.
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