So I've been in a weird mood the last couple of weeks and I'm not really sure why. Kind of melancholy, and I can't seem to get anything accomplished. Dunno what's causing it or how to make it go away, but I'm starting to get frustrated with my lack of doing anything. It's like I want to run around and wave my arms and jump around but instead I just sit in my room staring at nothing. Le sigh. I'm not even photoshopping, which is my favorite time wasting activity.
- Finally finished with the Photoshop book of doom, now have to take notes. I am now much more versed in PS, but there are a lot of things, curves and vectors, especially, that are eluding me.
Also bought a too good to be true copy of CS4 that turned out to be bootleg. Woe. I will try again once I get my money back. Still have the 30 day trial though, but CS4 is so different from 7 that it's kinda blowing my mind. I also found the journal of someone who makes absolutely amazing Dr. Who manips. I am in awe of their talent. Their stuff is mostly hardcore pr0n though, which is not my thing. But still beautiful.
The internet wants me to photoshop nothing but Ten/Rose/TenII apparently, because I keep on finding ads that are perfect for it.
-Something awesome might happen to my job, but it's entirely unsure, and I'm not supposed to talk about it or think about it or do anything, but wait, and maybe do extra work without being paid.
-I am the only person on the internet who hasn't seen Waters of Mars. Oh well, I haven't seen all of the regular episodes either. Vaguely relatedly,
this fic sums up pretty neatly in a tiny box what I like about Doctor/Rose.
-Why I love being friends with geeks:
Circe: (on the topic of men to go gay for) Would you sleep with William Shatner?
straight male friend: Yeah, I'd sleep with William Shatner.
Circe: I'd sleep with William Shatner.
Steel: Ew, I would NOT sleep with William Shatner.
Circe: Well, would you sleep with Leonard Nimoy?
Steel: ...
Steel: Yeah, I'd totally hit that.
- I have had "Electioneering" by Radiohead stuck in my head for two days straight. And now I'm listening to the Bends and OK Computer and soon I will be completely immersed in the '90s.
There is a squirrel nest on the fire escape right outside my window. I am torn between their utter cuteness and being awoken by thumps every morning.
Also, oh man,
THIS would be the best Dr. Who Spin off EVER.