
Oct 16, 2005 20:14

The NIN show convinces me that music, might, in fact, save my mortal soul.
Mmm, I love the smell of bridges burning. Granted, it was barely barely a bridge, and the other person did the burning, but it still felt like I was chewing off my own arm. I could have saved myself so much angst if I had just been fucking paying attention. I'm so stupid. Ugh.
I was dozing off in class, a professor said something about the "King of Spain" and I almost, almost automatically called out "now I eat humble pie!" Which would have been unfortunate. Also, L1 and I discussed and perfected our new plan for succeeding in life. We'll see how the testing of that goes. I made a few CDs and many, many coasters. I shake my fist at technology.
I know that in hell, I will be cleaning fishtanks. If only I had looked it up and discovered that the tiny white worms in my gravel are harmless bottom feeders and not fish eating parasites before I spent 3 hours scrubbing the tank and gravel. Planaria, I curse you and your wiggliness. I bought a new fish to replace the late Morris, and while he is certainly much prettier, he's shy and not at all violent and ornery and psychotic like Morris was. I miss Morris. Yes, I miss the personality of my old fish. I am officially the most boring (or would it be pathetic?) person ever. Also, studying and magic with Anna, always a good combination.
I attempt to punk out on Serenity and do homework instead, but my plan fails when they show up at my door. I think people are starting to catch on that being unable to contact me just means I'm at home, likely depressed, and probably lying on my bed, not off living the life of a criminal mastermind. Hmm. I rationalize going to Serenity by thinking that if I fail out, I can always kill myself before grades are due. Serenity is great despite it lacking claymation. Joss Whedon, though, always rips out my heart and stomps on it. Why do you do this Joss, why?!? You bastard.
Steel performance at Harkieland. Or actually, her band, but we're just Steel groupies. Can I say I haven't been to a party in a long, long time? There were many, many, many, people. I'm scared of people. And beer was spilled on me. And I had to fight wild skankers to be that annoying person that takes 200 pictures of the band. But I had a great conversation with a girl who walked up to me and said "You're the girl with the cloven shoes!" She had been trying to figure out who I was. And now she knew. She was awesome. I probably should have introduced myself. I hear that's how people make friends. Cloven is such a wonderful word. We cut out at midnight for the Organ! Pump! I'm still never fast enough to make it to the organ in time, though, even from the 3rd row. Curses. So I just formed an Organ-Anna-Circe-Alex lump. As we left, Ten was greeted by a group of people in German, they conversed in French, and then said goodbye in Japanese. Ten and I had a lovely, if surreal (it being 2AM and under a tree in the square) conversation about important, scary things, (and, you know, X-Men plots in the 80s) and he listened to me, and was surprisingly non-judgmental and kind. It was nice. And then we went home and make oatmeal and hot chocolate. Yum.
Ten drags me to the River at like, the crack of dawn (or 10:30, whatever) which is always amazingly delicious. Then I return home and fall asleep for the next 4(!) hours, and have the following dreams involving the following plots and following people, in no particular order: being part of a halloween improv party that involved magic candy, archery and home videos, online shopping in a video arcade, playing Obie-game and climbing out bathroom windows, complicated war games that involve a.) invading other countries and b.) paintball in a bookstore, and me chasing around giant waterbugs and trying to squash them with a clothes iron, Anna, Steel, Mooch, Doug, Logan, Marie and her mom, and my non-existent sister. Back in real life, there is Anya and acorn squash and ricotta lasagna. And then, while trying to get my car out of Anna's driveway while avoiding the two unmovable cars in the driveway behind me (that's what lawns are for, right?), I accidentally hit her house. Whilst in reverse. No damage was done, but I fail at life.

anna, ten, logan, life, steel, friends, dreams, l1

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